Caroline Pignat
Bannie de la résidence familiale en Angleterre, Ellie est embauchée pour travailler à bord de l'Empress of Ireland. Elle est tout de suite attirée par Jim, un jeune homme mystérieux qui travaille comme souffleur dans les fournaises du paquebot.
Après un magnifique moment à Québec, la nuit de l'horreur. Les cris, les corps, les eaux si froides... Elle tente de se dire que Jim a survécu au terrible naufrage, mais le nombre de morts ne cesse de croître.
Alors lorsque Wyatt Steele, journaliste au New York Times, lui demande de raconter son histoire, Ellie commence par refuser. Mais lorsqu'il lui montre le journal de Jim, retrouvé parmi les débris du paquebot, la jeune femme saute sur l'occasion. Elle veut en savoir davantage sur l'homme dont elle est tombée amoureuse.
Le deal est clair : en échange de son témoignage, Steele lui donnera les pages du journal, une par une...
« Si vous aimez les récits tragiques et marquants, les belles histoires d'amour et les personnages qui vont de l'avant après avoir traversé de terribles épreuves, ce livre ne pourra que vous plaire ! » - Laurie, du blog Mya's books -
Kit Byrne's family is a strong one, but their strength and unity are being severely tested, as life becomes more and more desperate in 19th century rural Ireland. Lord Fraser is the wealthy landowner, from which the Byrne's and many other families rent their lands. When the potato blight hits, the farmers can no longer make their payments much less produce food for themselves, and the cruel system has no mercy as Lord Fraser wields an iron fist, driving families from their homes and burning their cottages.Kit's dreams are now dashed as her family experiences a series of tragedies, and as she undergoes a daunting event that tears her away from her family. With her father dead, she must fight for survival and help her ailing mother and siblings escape Ireland for good.This story is a glimpse into the tragic events of the Great Hunger, the famine that devastated Ireland, forcing thousands of impoverished families to seek better livelihoods outside of their homeland.
Award-winning author Caroline Pignat's new historical novel recreates the world of a Virginia tobacco plantation in 1858.Through the different points of view of slaves, their masters and a visiting bird-watcher the world of the plantation comes to live in this verse novel.
Phoebe belongs to Master Duncan and works in the plantation kitchen.
She sees how the other slaves are treated - the beatings and whippings, the disappearances. She hasn't seen her mother since Master Duncan sold her ten years ago. But Phoebe is trying to learn words and how to read and when she is asked to show the master's Canadian visitor, Doctor Bergman, where he can find warblers and chickadees she starts to see things differently. And Doctor Bergman has more in mind that just drawing the local birds. Phoebe's friend Shad works on the plantation as well - but mostly he worries about his brother Will. His brother is the last member of his family and he is determined to escape from the master and the tobacco plantation. He has already been caught and beaten more than once. And the stories about life in Canada can't be true, can they? How does a man survive without the master there taking care of everything? -
Will Reid is a gawky kid who wears fake turtlenecks, is obsessed by his ant farm project, and is lousy at gym. In other words, he's the perfect target for Shane, the Grade 9 bully. Katie has been Will's friend in elementary school, but defending him in the high school environment comes at an unforeseen cost - she dreads the rumours that link them in a boyfriend/girlfriend way she's never considered. Devan has been part of Shane's bullyboy team until now, when he comes to realize that it's not so smart to mindlessly back up each nasty attack of Shane's. Together the three young teens are struggling to find their way out of one of the classic dilemmas of life: how not to be a bystander to bullying, how to stand up for your friends, and how to deal with consuming rage.Young readers will find lots to think about as they turn the pages of this crisp and compelling story by newcomer Caroline Pignat. Each character takes a turn at telling the story — through the spare blank verse of Will, wrapped up in the world of his single-parent father and his own eccentric preoccupations; through the clear-eyed accounts of Katie, wrestling with her own private demons; and in the sensitive narrative of the slowly awakening Devan, who comes to notice Katie as a spunky, attractive individual whom he'd like to know better but fears thinks he's a goof.Kids Help Phone's has included Egghead on their site as a book to help kids in their 'Get Information' section under Bullying for Ages 13 and Up.