David Gibbins
Enfin la suite des best-sellers Atlantis et des Dieux d'Atlantis, sur la piste des derniers Atlantes et du secret de l'immortalité.
Égypte ancienne, 1334 av. J.-C. Après avoir profané le temple d'Isis dans sa quête désespérée du secret de la vie éternelle, le pharaon Akhenaton est momifié vivant par les prêtres de la divinité. Mais avant de rendre son dernier souffle, il a eu le temps de confier ce qu'il savait à son esclave le plus fidèle...
Égypte, de nos jours. Jack Howard et ses compagnons trouvent de nouvelles traces de l'Atlantide, la cité légendaire dont ils avaient découvert la localisation lors de précédentes fouilles. Parviendront-ils maintenant à apprendre où ont migré les Atlantes ? Et à trouver l'orichalque, ce métal fabuleux qui promet l'immortalité ? Jack se lance à la poursuite de ce savoir ancestral, s'attirant de nombreux ennemis. -
En 9000 avant J.-C., selon Platon, se dressait, au milieu de l'Atlantique, une île peuplée par des guerriers, les Atlantes. En quelques heures funestes, elle fut engloutie par les flots... De nos jours, au large de la Grèce. Lors de l'exploration sous-marine d'une épave, l'archéologue Jack Howard trouve un disque en or qui donnerait la clé de la cité perdue. Au même moment, dans une nécropole égyptienne, le professeur Hiebermeyer découvre un papyrus rédigé en grec ancien qui mentionne Atlantis et révèle son emplacement...
Ces deux découvertes remettent en cause toute la science archéologique. Et même les plus sceptiques doivent se rendre à l'évidence : l'Atlandide n'est peut-être pas un mythe... -
Océan atlantique, 9 000 ans av. J.-C. Après avoir caché leurs plus grands trésors, les prêtres fuient l'Atlantide engloutie par les flots.
Allemagne, mai 1945. Au coeur de Berlin, des trésors archéologiques dissimulés par les nazis disparaissent.
Mer noire, de nos jours. Jack Howard découvre un ancien fragment d'écriture dans les ruines de la citadelle engloutie. Se pourrait-il qu'il existe une nouvelle Atlantide, régie par des prêtres des ténèbres ?
INQUISITION is the latest thrilling novel from Sunday Times bestselling author David Gibbins. Jack Howard will be tested to his limits on the trail of the fabled Holy Grail. '[The] Da Vinci Code of the deep sea' Daily Express 258 As the blood of martyred Christians runs through Rome's catacombs, Pope Sixtus entrusts their most sacred object to a devoted follower. Soon after, the Holy Grail disappears into the darkness of time. 1684 While overseeing the evacuation of the English colony of Tangier, Samuel Pepys attempts to retrieve a treasure which has resurfaced after more than a thousand years. Meanwhile, a Jewish merchant is tortured by the Altamanus , a secret group determined to locate the Grail. PRESENT DAY A wreck off the Cornish coast reveals clues to a mystery that marine archaeologist Jack Howard had thought beyond solving. He embarks on an epic quest that takes him to the sunken ruins of the pirate city of Port Royal in Jamaica. But the spectre of the deadly Inquisition dogs his every step, and Jack must face a descent into hell itself if he is to uncover the greatest reward in Christendom.
From the author of the bestselling ATLANTIS comes a thrilling novel of buried secrets, age-old mysteries and a conspiracy surrounding the fabled Ark of the Covenant.
A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks
David Gibbins
- Weidenfeld & Nicolson
- 8 Février 2024
- 9781399603515
Le maître du thriller historique au sommet de son art ! Plongez dans l'aventure...
1 334 ans av. J.-C. Akhénaton règne sur l'Égypte, tandis que le jeune Toutânkhamon se prépare à lui succéder. Mais Akhénaton disparaît... et, avec lui, son héritage, qui serait mystérieusement englouti par les sables gisant sous le site du Caire actuel et les grandes pyramides de Gizeh... 1 885 ap. J.-C. Un homme à moitié fou affirme l'existence d'un labyrinthe enfoui sous Le Caire, et d'un réseau de canaux, palaces et tombes. On ne le croira pas pendant près de 30 ans... jusqu'à la découverte du tombeau de Toutânkhamon en 1924. De nos jours. L'archéologue Jack Howard et son équipe fouillent l'un des plus impressionnants sites sous-marins jamais découverts. C'est alors qu'ils entendent parler de l'histoire de l'ingénieur fou. Le début d'une formidable aventure qui nous plonge au coeur des mystères du Nil, dans un monde vieux de 3000 ans, au sein d'un peuple qui a juré de garder le plus grand secret de tous les temps... -
Le maître du thriller historique au sommet de son art ! Plongez dans l'aventure...Le maître du thriller historique au sommet de son art ! Plongez dans l'aventure... L'archéologue plongeur Jack Howard est de retour ; il va découvrir un terrible secret qui pourrait changer le cours de l'histoire...
Le Caire, 1890. Un soldat britannique émerge des profondeurs d'un égout. Il prétend avoir été pris au piège d'une cave sous-marine où il aurait découvert un trésor composé de bijoux et d'or et de milliers de papyrus... Personne ne prête attention à son récit qui semble être le produit d'une imagination délirante, et son histoire est oubliée.
De nos jours. Jack Howard tombe sur le récit du soldat et il est interpellé par sa mention d'un " sas de lumière aveuglante ". Alors que la situation politique en Egypte est explosive, Jack et son équipe se lancent dans une expédition archéologique au péril de leurs vies. Leur mission les conduira dans les abysses de la mer Rouge et sur les traces du sanguinaire pharaon soleil Akhenaton, qui était le gardien d'un terrible secret... -
Fans of Dan Brown and Clive Cussler will be unable to resist this thrilling new Jack Howard action adventure from Sunday Times bestseller David Gibbins.
Underwater archaeologist Jack Howard is back with a dangerous mission to uncover a shocking secret which could rewrite history . . .
In 1890, a British soldier emerges from the depths of a Cairo sewer. He claims to have been trapped for years in an ancient underground complex, and swears that he stumbled upon an incredible collection of gold, treasure, and thousands upon thousands of jars filled with papyri. Dismissed as a madman who has lost his mind in the desert, his story was lost to the world. Until now . . .
When a colleague of Jack Howard's stumbles across the soldier's story, the mention of a 'blinding shaft of light' captures Jack's attention and resurrects the forgotten ramblings. With the political situation in Egypt at boiling point, Jack and his team risk everything in a treacherous archaeological expedition to find the truth. Their mission will take them across the globe, down to the darkest depths of the Red Sea, and back through Egyptian history to the bloody reign of Akhenaten, the Sun-Pharaoh - and keeper of a devastating secret. -
La rencontre explosive d'Indiana Jones et de Dan Brown !1876. Mycènes, Grèce. Heinrich Schliemann, l'homme qui a découvert Troie, trouve le masque d'or d'Agamemnon et un autre artefact dont il ne parlera jamais. Il meurt en emportant son secret avec lui. Perdu, semble-t-il, à jamais...1945. Allemagne. La libération d'un camp de concentration révèle des indices menant à des antiquités volées par les nazis, mais aussi à une arme bien plus terrifiante que tout ce que l'on a imaginé et conçu depuis...De nos jours, en mer Egée, Jack Howard retrouve l'épave d'une galère de guerre qui aurait fait partie de la flotte d'Agamemnon et se lance dans une chasse au trésor de tous les dangers à travers toute l'Europe.Mais de la Guerre de Troie à la Solution Finale, l'Histoire cache nombre de monstrueux secrets. Et à trop vouloir creuser, Jack va prendre le risque de perdre ce qu'il a de plus précieux... sa propre fille. Presse :" Qu'obtient-on en croisant Indiana Jones et Dan Brown ? Réponse : David Gibbins. "Daily Mirror
INQUISITION is the latest thrilling novel from Sunday Times bestselling author David Gibbins. Jack Howard will be tested to his limits on the trail of the fabled Holy Grail. '[The] Da Vinci Code of the deep sea' Daily Express
As the blood of martyred Christians runs through Rome's catacombs, Pope Sixtus entrusts their most sacred object to a devoted follower. Soon after, the Holy Grail disappears into the darkness of time.
While overseeing the evacuation of the English colony of Tangier, Samuel Pepys attempts to retrieve a treasure which has resurfaced after more than a thousand years. Meanwhile, a Jewish merchant is tortured by the Altamanus, a secret group determined to locate the Grail.
A wreck off the Cornish coast reveals clues to a mystery that marine archaeologist Jack Howard had thought beyond solving. He embarks on an epic quest that takes him to the sunken ruins of the pirate city of Port Royal in Jamaica. But the spectre of the deadly Inquisition dogs his every step, and Jack must face a descent into hell itself if he is to uncover the greatest reward in Christendom. -
Jack Howard becomes part of a terrifying legacy and a race against time, in the action-packed new adventure from bestselling author David Gibbins.Greece. 1871. Heinrich Schliemann, the great archaeologist, raises the Mask of Agamemnon and makes a mind-blowing discovery. Determined to keep it a secret until the time is right, he then dies. Germany. 1945. The liberation of a concentration camp reveals clues to lost antiquities stolen by the Nazis. But the operation is covered up after a deadly secret surfaces. Northern Aegean. Present day. Marine archaeologist Jack Howard discovers a shipwreck with ancient inscriptions that indicate the galley is part of the war fleet of Agamemnon, king of the Greeks. When Jack's daughter finds a drawing made by a concentration camp survivor that holds a clue to Schliemann's secret, Jack becomes embroiled in a desperate chase across Europe against a ruthless enemy...
A thrilling standalone sequel to ATLANTIS, David Gibbins' international bestseller of high-action adventure, marine archaeology and the exploration of one of history's most fascinating and enduring mysteries. A lost Nazi bunker in a forest in Germany contains a dreadful secret. But is there a horrifying new dimension - another ingredient in the Nazi's rule of terror? Marine archaeologist Jack Howard returns to the lost island of Atlantis in the Black Sea to answer questions about the Atlantis priests that have plagued him. Then by tracking down the 1930s expeditions of Himmler's Ahnenerbe - the Nazi's Department of Cultural Heritage - and its link with Atlantis, Jack realises he is not just on the trail of the greatest lost relics from the past. Could there possibly be a terrifying new version of 'Atlantis', a priesthood of evil? Jack must uncover the truth before it is too late.
Jack Howard is the only man who can find out. But the clock is ticking against him. The quest to find out takes him from the fall of the Roman Empire to the last days of Nazi power - and uncovers a trail more thrilling than anyone could have imagined...
India. 1879. Lieutenant John Howard witnesses something so unspeakable it changes him for ever. His subsequent disappearance is never solved. Egypt. Present day. Marine archaeologist Jack Howard makes an astonishing discovery on a deep-sea dive. What's the connection? Jack Howard doesn't know yet. But he's about to find out. This isn't just a treasure hunt; it's a desperate search for the truth. A truth that will unlock the mystery of Jack's great-great grandfather's disappearance. A truth so compelling Jack's pursuit is almost unstoppable. Almost. A formidable enemy from Jack's past has appeared in his present, and this enemy will stop at nothing to protect its earth-shattering secret.
Jack Howard is about to discover a secret. Perhaps the greatest secret ever kept. What if one of the Ancient World's greatest libraries was buried in volcanic ash and then re-discovered two thousand years later? What if what was found there was a document that could shatter the very foundations of the Western World? What if you were the one who discovered this secret? And were then forced to confront terrifying enemies determined to destroy you to ensure it goes no further? This is the story of one last Gospel, left behind in the age of the New Testament, in the greatest days of the Roman Empire, and of its extraordinary secret, one that has lain concealed for years. Follow Jack Howard as he discovers the secret and must prevent others from doing the same...
The Atlantis Collection: Atlantis, Crusader Gold, The Last Gospel
David Gibbins
- Headline
- 11 Septembre 2014
- 9781472221926
THE ATLANTIS COLLECTION brings together bestseller David Gibbins' unputdownable first three novels featuring underwater archaeologist Jack Howard. Fans of Dan Brown and Clive Cussler will thrill to this stunning collection.
In ATLANTIS, Jack Howard uncovers what could be the key to the lost island during a dive in the Mediterranean. This astounding discovering is beyond Jack's wildest dreams, but it has devastating consequences. Jack finds himself in a terrifying game of life and death that could destroy thousands of lives.
In CRUSADER GOLD, a dive for a lost Crusade treasure in Istanbul and an unearthed medieval map in an English cathedral library together have the power to alter history. A thrilling but lethal quest takes Jack Howard back to the greatest of Viking Conquerors, to the fall of the Nazis and the darkest secrets of the modern Vatican.
In THE LAST GOSPEL, Jack Howard is on the hunt to unravel the story of one last Gospel left behind in the age of the New Testament. This extraordinary secret has the power to shatter the foundations of the Western World and endangers Jack like never before. -
Fans of Dan Brown and Clive Cussler will love the thrilling new Jack Howard action adventure from Sunday Times bestseller David Gibbins.
1351 BC: Akhenaten the Sun-Pharaoh rules supreme in Egypt...until the day he casts off his crown and mysteriously disappears into the desert, his legacy seemingly swallowed up by the remote sands beneath the Great Pyramids of Giza.
AD 1884: A British soldier serving in the Sudan stumbles upon an incredible discovery - a submerged temple containing evidence of a terrifying religion whose god was fed by human sacrifice. The soldier is on a mission to reach General Gordon before Khartoum falls. But he hides a secret of his own.
Present day: Jack Howard and his team are excavating one of the most amazing underwater sites they have ever encountered, but dark forces are watching to see what they will find. Diving into the Nile, they enter a world three thousand years back in history, inhabited by a people who have sworn to guard the greatest secret of all time... -
INQUISITION is the latest thrilling novel from Sunday Times bestselling author David Gibbins. Jack Howard will be tested to his limits on the trail of the fabled Holy Grail. '[The] Da Vinci Code of the deep sea' Daily Express 258 As the blood of martyred Christians runs through Rome's catacombs, Pope Sixtus entrusts their most sacred object to a devoted follower. Soon after, the Holy Grail disappears into the darkness of time. 1684 While overseeing the evacuation of the English colony of Tangier, Samuel Pepys attempts to retrieve a treasure which has resurfaced after more than a thousand years. Meanwhile, a Jewish merchant is tortured by the Altamanus , a secret group determined to locate the Grail. PRESENT DAY A wreck off the Cornish coast reveals clues to a mystery that marine archaeologist Jack Howard had thought beyond solving. He embarks on an epic quest that takes him to the sunken ruins of the pirate city of Port Royal in Jamaica. But the spectre of the deadly Inquisition dogs his every step, and Jack must face a descent into hell itself if he is to uncover the greatest reward in Christendom.
Total war Rome ; détruire Carthage
David Gibbins
- Les escales éditions
- 5 Septembre 2013
- 9782365690867
La nouvelle série du maître du roman d'aventures historique. Partez à la conquête du monde antique !
146 av. J.-C. La destruction de Carthage et Corinthe met fin aux guerres puniques et donne à Rome triomphante le statut de grande puissance. La conquête pour la domination du monde antique peut commencer... Deux généraux s'affrontent dans un combat sans merci : Scipion Africanus le jeune, vainqueur à Carthage, et son cousin Gaius Aemilius Paullus. Une guerre totale qui donnera lieu à des batailles plus dévastatrices que jamais. Sur qui Scipion pourra-t-il compter pour étendre l'influence de Rome et donner naissance à l'Empire ? Et si ses plus proches alliés devenaient ses pires ennemis ? Qu'est-il prêt à sacrifier pour la grandeur de Rome ? Un destin qui marquera à jamais l'histoire en marche... -
From the author of the bestselling ATLANTIS comes a thrilling novel of buried secrets, age-old mysteries and a conspiracy surrounding the fabled Ark of the Covenant. 'What do you get if you cross Indiana Jones with Dan Brown? Answer: David Gibbins' Mirror
586 BC The ancient world is in meltdown. The Babylonians have ravaged the Holy Land, and Jerusalem has fallen. In desperation, the temple priests look to the greatest navigators ever known to save their holiest of treasures.
1943 A group of Allied codebreakers, under Churchill's direct command, work to stop a top-secret exchange between the Nazis and the Japanese. Yet even they know nothing of the ancient artefact hidden on board a ship whose fate they have just sealed.
Present-day Marine archaeologist Jack Howard and his friend Costas undertake a dangerous dive hunting for Nazi gold in a wreck perched on the edge of the continental shelf. What they glimpse there leads Jack to piece together the truth of one of the greatest ancient voyages of discovery, one whose real purpose he could scarcely have imagined. Jack must fuse past and present as he never has done before in a terrifying final showdown on a desperate mission for humanity.