- Springer (29)
- Wiley-Blackwell (22)
- Wiley (10)
- Carl Fischer (4)
- For Dummies (3)
- Headline (3)
- Palgrave Macmillan (3)
- Slingshot Books LLC (3)
- Wiley-Interscience (3)
- Jossey-Bass (2)
- Nats (2)
- Nats Editions (2)
- Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers (2)
- Wiley-ISTE (2)
- Wiley-VCH (2)
- Actes Sud (1)
- Alicia Éditions (1)
- Cepadues (1)
- Dover (1)
- FeniXX réédition numérique (L'Harmattan) (1)
- Hachette Bnf (1)
- Harvard Business School Press (1)
- Humana Press (1)
- Labor Et Fides (1)
- Les Productions Ciel variable (1)
- Presse Universitaire de Rennes (1)
- SensePublishers (1)
- Vintage Usa (1)
- Wiley-AIChE (1)
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James H
Outre des professeurs détestables et une cantine infecte, l'institut Walter Walbotte totalise près d'une dizaine d'élèves portés disparus.Depuis cinquante ans, des collégiens s'aventurent dans la forêt autour de l'école pour ne plus jamais en revenir.
Aussi, lorsque le jeune Nathan disparaît à son tour, Jeffrey Horlaw redoute le pire.
Lancé à sa poursuite avec son ami Ted, ils découvrent un puits secret, un manoir envahi de squelettes mutants et une organisation armée bien déterminée à intercepter les intrus.
Jeff avait tort : le pire ne fait que commencer.
" Passeurs t.1 ; Jeffrey Horlaw " lance une série Fantasy jeunesse pleine d´intrigues, d´humour et de rebondissements.
Devenez un Passeur, vivez des aventures incroyables et accompagnez Jeff dans le monde sans pitié de Lucille H. James.
Les pêches maritimes françaises ; 1983-2013
Pascal Le floc'h, James Wilson
- Presse Universitaire de Rennes
- Economie Et Societe
- 11 Mai 2017
- 9782753553675
L'histoire économique des pêches maritimes rappelle le caractère particulier de cette industrie, celui d'une activité de cueillette. L'intérêt des économistes pour l'analyse des pêches maritimes relève autant du thème de l'exploitation des ressources marines vivantes que de leur surexploitation. Il existe aussi une autre porte d'entrée à la connaissance des pêches, celle d'un sentier de dépendance emprunté par les acteurs de l'industrie. Les situations rencontrées dans l'histoire économique contemporaine des pêches maritimes françaises, de 1983 à 2013, montrent qu'effectivement il n'existe pas un sentier unique et que les politiques publiques d'encadrement des flottilles ont davantage emprunté un régime de transition qu'un régime de rupture.
Cet ouvrage rappelle les événements clés de l'histoire récente des pêches maritimes, comme éléments structurants des relations des marins pêcheurs avec leurs institutions. La mise en place d'une politique commune de la pêche en 1983 modifie progressivement le format des flottilles en dessinant une trajectoire le long de laquelle se créent des relations de dépendance entre la profession et l'Etat. L'ouvrage décrit l'évolution de la population de marins pêcheurs, des flottilles et des productions débarquées au cours des trois dernières décennies pour les ports de métropole et de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. -
This book presents information on common-to-rare organisms from around the world that inhabit freshwater habitats. The first six chapters focus on organisms from the very small (e.g., protozoa, zooplankton, and fairy shrimp) to the huge (e.g., hippos, freshwater sharks, and giant turtles), while the last four chapters provide information on aquatic ecosystems (lakes, streams, caves, and wetlands). Included in this last section are the physical nature of the system and how that influences the kinds of animals living there.
This unique "nature" book, incorporating information from around the world on both aquatic systems and organisms, is written to attract the interest of a wide group of non-academic readers. -
A quick guide to using Microsoft OneNote on tablets, online, or on your desktop OneNote is the note-taking-and-sharing application that's part of Microsoft Office. It lets you create notes by hand, as audio, or by clipping items from other electronic formats to create a file that can be indexed and searched. With the release of Office 2013, OneNote has been integrated with Windows 8-powered tablet platforms and offers advanced mobile-enhanced features. This guide includes all the basic information, guidance, and insight you need to take full advantage of everything OneNote can do for you. OneNote is the Microsoft Office note-taking application that lets you make notes and clip items from electronic media to create a searchable file This friendly, plain-English guide shows you how to use OneNote online, on your desktop PC, or on your Windows-powered tablet Helps you take advantage of this highly useful and often-overlooked application OneNote 2013 For Dummies gets you up and running with OneNote quickly and easily.
C. Carney Strange, James H. Banning
- Jossey-Bass
- 16 Juin 2015
- 9781118823507
Understand the design factors of campus environmental theory that impact student success and create a campus of consequence Designing for Learning is a comprehensive introduction to campus environmental theory and practice, summarizing the influence of collegiate environments on learning and providing practical strategies for facilitating student success through intentional design. This second edition offers new coverage of universal design, learning communities, multicultural environments, online environments, social networking, and safety, and challenges educators to evaluate the potential for change on their own campuses. You'll learn which factors make a living-learning community effective, and how to implement these factors in the renovation of campus facilities. An updated selection of vignettes, case scenarios, and institutional examples help you apply theory to practice, and end-of-chapter reflection questions allow you to test your understanding and probe deeper into the material and how it applies to your environment. Campus design is no longer just about grassy quads and ivy-covered walls-the past decade has seen a surge in new designs that facilitate learning and nurture student development. This book introduces you to the many design factors that impact student success, and helps you develop a solid strategy for implementing the changes that can make the biggest difference to your campus. Learn how environments shape and influence student behavior Evaluate your campus and consider the potential for change Make your spaces more welcoming, inclusive, and functional Organize the design process from research to policy implementation Colleges and universities are institutions of purpose and place, and the physical design of the facilities must be undertaken with attention to the ways in which the space's dimensions and features impact the behavior and outlook of everyone from students to faculty to staff. Designing for Learning gives you a greater understanding of modern campus design, and the practical application that brings theory to life.
Practical Colonoscopy
Jerome d. Wayne, James Aisenberg, Peter h. Rubin
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 2 Avril 2013
- 9781118553459
Practical Colonoscopy Jerome D. Waye, MD, Director of Endoscopic Education, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Mount
Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
James Aisenberg, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY,
Peter H. Rubin, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai
Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Are you looking for a rapid-reference, step-by-step guide to teach you all that you need to know in order to perform high-quality colonoscopy? Then Practical Colonoscopy is the perfect resource for you. Drawing upon their collective century of experience performing and teaching colonoscopy, Drs. Waye, Aisenberg and Rubin share the "pearls" and principles that they find most useful in every day practice. The team is led by
Dr. Jerry Waye, one of the world's leading practitioners and teachers of endoscopy. Up-to-date, practical, clinically-focused, succinct and packed full of outstanding illustrations and videos, this multi-media tool guides you through the core aspects of best colonoscopy practice. Key features include: Lucid,step-by-step explanations of the techniques and principles that will help you to achieve outstanding results A companion website that contains 39 videos illustrating important techniques, findings, and problems Text-boxes that highlight and organize the pearls and pitfalls of colonoscopy practice Line diagrams that illustrate important strategies and maneuvers High-resolution still photographs that depict important findings and techniques GI trainees will find this the perfect introductory guide to colonoscopy, and more experienced specialists will value it as a refresher tool that is replete with hundreds of new pearls provided by world experts. Practical Colonoscopy is a must-have tool for today's colonoscopist. -
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Emanuel Dicicco-Bloom, James H. Millonig
- Springer
- 24 Juin 2020
- 9783030454937
This book contains a compendium of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) articles and reviews concerning state of the art technologies and how they are being applied to human neurodevelopmental disorders. With the establishment of effective technologies to produce iPSCs and their derivatives, like neural precursors, neurons, and glia, researchers have new platforms to study neurodevelopmental disorders. iPSC technology enables researchers to study how human neurons develop in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, providing an unparalleled opportunity to investigate their etiology. In turn, researchers have now begun to understand the underlying molecular and cellular pathways that contribute to human diseases. iPSCs technologies also provide an emerging tool for future translational studies and disease classification. The chapters will emphasize how among the diverse idiopathic and genetic disorders, there are common clinical as well as cellular andmolecular phenotypes.
The Political Economy of Schooling in Cambodia
Yuto Kitamura, D. Brent Edwards Jr., James H. Williams, Chhinh Sitha
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 28 Janvier 2016
- 9781137456007
In the most in-depth look at education in Cambodia to date, scholars long engaged in research on Cambodia provide historical context and unpack key issues of high relevance to Cambodia and other developing countries as they expand and modernize their education systems and grapple with challenges to providing a quality and equitable education.
Today the global war against terrorism has become a desperate, life-or-death struggle for the western democracies. In the armed chaos that is the post-Cold War world, the stakes have never been higher, the consequence of defeat never more dire. And for British Intelligence the time has come to put moral scruples aside and throw the rulebook out of the window. Officially the organisation known as Executive Support doesn't exist. But for its scores of far from innocent victims it is all too real. Its aim: to terrorize the terrorists, its nickname: the Dead Headers. And now the Dead Headers are facing their biggest challenge yet - a terrifying conspiracy that leads the Dead Headers from a secretive German pharmaceuticals company to an Iraqi biological weapons base in the Libyan desert, from a gruesome sex-murder in London's Hammersmith to a power struggle at the heart of the Iranian regime. And by the time the final piece is in place, the fate of millions will have been decided...
Murder, madness and military secrets - the Cold War is over, and things are about to get very hot... Bodies are turning up in Siberia, some mutilated, some half-eaten. Has the spectre of cannibalism reared its ugly head again in Russia, or is a bizarre cult at work? For George Lazin, a colonel in Russia's Federal Security Service sent to investigate the robbing of a Siberian diamond train, the question soon becomes a matter of life and death - not just for him but for Russia itself.
In Rome, the Easter crowds of the devout watch in horror as the Pope is assassinated.
In Canada's frozen north a lake is suddenly turned into a cauldron of radioactivity.
In the Middle East the search for water ends in a bloodbath.
Three events with no connection, no apparent purpose. Except in the minds of an extreme millennial cult hidden deep in the mountain fastnesses of North Carolina; a cult for whom man's abuse of the planet has called down God's punishment, a cult dedicated to initiating a final battle between the forces of good and evil. With a terrifying combination of modern technology, military organisation and religious dementia, they are about to unleash a last crusade that could mean the end of man's reign on earth.
And only one man can stop them . . . -
Pediatric Cardiology
James H. Moller, Walter H. Johnson
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 3 Février 2014
- 9781118503393
Caring for children with heart disease is extremely complex, requiring a different and often tailor-made approach compared with adults with similar cardiac problems. Built on the success of previous editions and brought to you by a stellar author team, Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide provides a unique, concise and extremely practical overview of heart disease in children. From history-taking, physical examination, ECG, and chest X-ray - the basics that enable clinicians to uncover possible problems and eliminate areas of false concern - it goes on to examine the range of more complex topics in the diagnosis and treatment/management of childhood cardiovascular disease. New to this edition you'll find: An enhanced section on imaging including recent advances in cardiac MRI and fetal echocardiography. New techniques in genetic testing for heart disease in special populations. Much more emphasis on the importance of echocardiography in understanding the pathophysiology of congenital cardiac malformations. Expanded section on cardiac conditions in the neonate, specifically on prenatal diagnosis and management, neonatal screening for congenital heart disease, and hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Expanded and updated congestive cardiac failure section, including the latest in genetic and metabolic causes of heart failure, and medical/surgical treatment options; discussion of bridging therapies; essentials of transplantation, including common drug treatment regimens, clinical recognition of treatment complications and rejection, outcomes, morbidity and survival. In addition, every chapter is fully updated with the very latest clinical guidelines and management options from the AHA, ACC and ESC. Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide, 3rd edition, is quite simply a must-have guide for all members of the multidisciplinary team managing children suffering from heart disease.
This pocket reference and revision guide is a must for all medical students and junior doctors preparing for major exams in clinical medicine or needing a rapid reminder of essential facts during a clinical attachment. Now thoroughly updated, this new edition combines the first editions of Rapid Medicine and Rapid Differential Diagnosis and contains reference to over 200 common medical conditions and diseases and 350 signs and symptoms encountered on a daily basis on the wards, in clinics and in exams. This concise, no-nonsense reference is presented in an A-Z format for easy access to information, and includes a thematic index with conditions sorted by speciality making it an ideal companion in any clinical situation.
The origins of modern humans ; biology reconsidered
Fred h. Smith, James c. m. Ahern
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 9 Juillet 2013
- 9781118659908
This update to the award-winning The Origins of Modern Humans: A World Survey of the Fossil Evidence covers the most accepted common theories concerning the emergence of modern Homo sapiens?adding fresh insight from top young scholars on the key new discoveries of the past 25 years. The Origins of Modern Humans: Biology Reconsidered allows field leaders to discuss and assess the assemblage of hominid fossil material in each region of the world during the Pleistocene epoch. It features new fossil and molecular evidence, such as the evolutionary inferences drawn from assessments of modern humans and large segments of the Neandertal genome. It also addresses the impact of digital imagery and the more sophisticated morphometrics that have entered the analytical fray since 1984. Beginning with a thoughtful introduction by the authors on modern human origins, the book offers such insightful chapter contributions as: Africa: The Cradle of Modern People Crossroads of the Old World: Late Hominin Evolution in Western Asia A River Runs through It: Modern Human Origins in East Asia Perspectives on the Origins of Modern Australians Modern Human Origins in Central Europe The Makers of the Early Upper Paleolithic in Western Eurasia Neandertal Craniofacial Growth and Development and Its Relevance for Modern Human Origins Energetics and the Origin of Modern Humans Understanding Human Cranial Variation in Light of Modern Human Origins The Relevance of Archaic Genomes to Modern Human Origins The Process of Modern Human Origins: The Evolutionary and Demographic Changes Giving Rise to Modern Humans The Paleobiology of Modern Human Emergence Elegant and thought provoking, The Origins of Modern Humans: Biology Reconsidered is an ideal read for students, grad students, and professionals in human evolution and paleoanthropology.
Pediatric Cardiovascular Medicine
James H. Moller, Julien I. E. Hoffman
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 19 Décembre 2011
- 9781444398762
The first edition of this text, edited by two of the world's most respected pediatric cardiologists, set the standard for a single-volume, clinically focused textbook on this subject. This new edition, revised and updated by contributors representing today's global thought leaders, offers increased coverage of the most important current topics, such as pediatric electrophysiology, congenital heart disease, cardiovascular genetics/genomics, and the identification and management of risk factors in children, while maintaining the clinical focus. Published with a companion website that features additional images for download, self-assessment questions designed to aid readers who are preparing for examinations, and other features, Pediatric Cardiovascular Medicine, Second Edition, is the perfect reference for residents, fellows, pediatricians, as well as specialists in pediatric cardiology.
Fibroids are benign growths of the uterus. They are the most common tumours found in women (20-30% of women), usually in later reproductive years. This book covers evidence-based indications for treatment of uterine fibroids in gynecology, the management of fibroids in pregnancy, surgical treatments and outcomes, rare fibroid syndromes, and more.
Metabolic ecology
Richard m. Silby, James h. Brown, Astrid Kodric-brown
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 26 Mars 2012
- 9781119968511
Metabolic Ecology Most of ecology is about metabolism, the ways that organisms use energy and materials. The energy requirements of individuals (their metabolic rates) vary predictably with their body size and temperature. Ecological interactions are exchanges of energy and materials between organisms and their environments. Therefore, metabolic rate affects ecological processes at all levels: individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems. Each chapter focuses on a different process, level of organization, or kind of organism. It lays a conceptual foundation and presents empirical examples. Together, the chapters provide an integrated framework that holds the promise for a unified theory of ecology. The book is intended to be accessible to upper-level undergraduates and graduate students, but also of interest to senior scientists. Its easy-to-read chapters and clear illustrations can be used in lecture and seminar courses. This is an authoritative treatment that will inspire future generations to study metabolic ecology.
Rapid Surgery
George Reese, James t. h. Teo, Cara r. Baker
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 30 Novembre 2011
- 9781118292891
This pocket reference and revision guide is a must for all medical students and junior doctors preparing for major surgical exams or needing a rapid reminder during a clinical attachment. Thoroughly updated, this new edition has been re-ordered by body systems with key surgical presentations ordered alphabetically within each section for ease of reference. Now with important new topics including bariatric surgery, endovascular techniques, nutrition, SIRS and sepsis, Rapid Surgery presents up-to-date knowledge succinctly for easy and rapid access to information.
Aquaculture is an increasingly diverse industry with an ever-growing number of species cultured and production systems available to professionals. A basic understanding of production systems is vital to the successful practice of aquaculture. Published with the World Aquaculture Society, Aquaculture Production Systems captures the huge diversity of production systems used in the production of shellfish and finfish in one concise volume that allows the reader to better understand how aquaculture depends upon and interacts with its environment. The systems examined range from low input methods to super-intensive systems. Divided into five sections that each focus on a distinct family of systems, Aquaculture Production Systems serves as an excellent text to those just being introduced to aquaculture as well as being a valuable reference to well-established professionals seeking information on production methods.
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Family Psychology
James H. Bray, Mark Stanton
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 6 Octobre 2009
- 9781444310245
The Handbook of Family Psychology provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical underpinnings and established practices relating to family psychology. Provides a thorough orientation to the field of family psychology for clinicians Includes summaries of the most recent research literature and clinical interventions for specific areas of interest to family psychology clinicians Features essays by recognized experts in a variety of specialized fields Suitable as a required text for courses in family psychology, family therapy, theories of psychotherapy, couples therapy, systems theory, and systems therapy
Ciel variable. No. 105, Hiver 2017
Jacques Doyon, Pierre Dessureault, Zoe Tousignant, James D. Campbell, Guy Sioui Durand, Jean Gagnon, Erika Nimis, Leo H
- Les Productions Ciel variable
- 6 Avril 2017
- 9782924357125
En plein dans le mille du 375e anniversaire de la cité, Ciel variable plonge dans les « Montréalités ». Si l'éditorial de Jacques Doyon nous parle de la vie des quartiers, c'est à l'un d'entre eux en particulier, Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, que s'intéresse le photographe Robert Walker. Un quartier chargé d'histoire et à la destinée compliquée, autrefois industriel et aujourd'hui aux prises avec les aléas de l'embourgeoisement. Ses images, ainsi que celles d'autres créateurs, sont témoin du tissu complexe de la ville : ses commerces, ses artères, ses publicités, sa mixité sociale, sa diversité, sa culture, son architecture, son militantisme aussi. La revue revient aussi sur quelques projets photographiques marquants sur le Montréal du passé avec les talents de Gabor Szilasi, Clara Gutsche ou encore David Miller. Également au sommaire, l'exposition présentée à la galerie Artexte examinant les relations entre la photographie et les magazines imprimés au Canada entre 1970 et 1990, et de nombreux autres événements dans la section actualités.
The Handbook of Chinese Linguistics
Andrew Simpson, C.-t. james Huang, Y. H. Audrey Li
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 12 Février 2014
- 9781118584385
The Handbook of Chinese Linguistics is the first comprehensive introduction to Chinese linguistics from the perspective of modern theoretical and formal linguistics. Containing twenty-five chapters, the book offers a balanced, accessible and thoughtfully organized introduction to some of the most important results of research into Chinese linguistics carried out by theoretical linguists during the last thirty years. Presenting critical overviews of a wide range of major topics, it is the first to meet the great demand for an overview volume on core areas of Chinese linguistics.
Authoritative contributions describe and assess the major achievements and controversies of research undertaken in each area, and provide bibliographies for further reading. The contributors refer both to their own work in relevant fields, and objectively present a range of competitor theories and analyses, resulting in a volume that is fully comprehensive in its coverage of theoretical research into Chinese linguistics in recent years.
This unique Handbook is suitable both as a primary reader for structured, taught courses on Chinese linguistics at university level, and for individual study by graduates and other professional linguists. -
Technical Basis of Radiation Therapy
James A. Purdy, Carlos A. Perez, Seymour H. Levitt, Seymour H. Vijayakumar
- Springer
- 22 Novembre 2006
- 9783540356653
This book, now in its fourth edition, is unique in detailing in depth the technological basis of radiation therapy. Compared with the previous edition, all chapters have been rewritten and updated. In addition, new chapters have been included on various topics, including the use of imaging in treatment planning, second malignant neoplasms due to irradiation, and quality assurance in radiation oncology. The book is divided into two sections. The first covers basic concepts in treatment planning, including essential physics, and explains the various approaches to radiation therapy, such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy, tomotherapy, and high and low dose rate brachytherapy. The second part documents the practical clinical applications of these concepts in the treatment of different cancers. All of the chapters have been written by leaders in this field. This book will provide an invaluable guide to the basic technological factors and approaches in radiation therapy.
Pulmonary Hypertension
Gustavo A. Heresi, H. James Ford, Michael G. Risbano
- Humana Press
- 13 Octobre 2020
- 9783030527877
This book is a clinical guide to controversial and emerging topics in pulmonary hypertension. There are multiple challenges and unanswered questions encountered by clinicians that evaluate, diagnose and treat patients with suspected or confirmed pulmonary vascular disease. This book provides a deep dive into the diagnosis and therapeutics of pulmonary hypertension supported by the literature and balanced with personal clinical experience. Expert authors have chosen these specific topics to address issues where uncertainty and/or controversy exists as well as highlight areas that are just being incorporated into clinical practice. These topics include: exercise pulmonary hypertension, sickle cell disease and pulmonary hypertension, and sarcoid pulmonary hypertension, among many others. Chapters address the diagnostic and treatment dilemmas posed by these various clinical entities through literature review, sharing of expert opinion, and review of recent guidelines and their applicability to the multiple different nuanced presentations of pulmonary hypertension. This is an ideal guide for pulmonologists, cardiologists, and other specialty practitioners caring for patients with pulmonary hypertension.