Lisa Scottoline
Sandro poussa un profond soupir. Il était désespéré que les choses en soient arrivées là. Sa famille qui se débattait pour survivre, Marco qui prenait de gros risques pour lui venir en aide. Ce n'était pas comme ça qu'il avait imaginé sa vie, ni celle de Marco ou d'Elisabetta. Il pria pour qu'ils surmontent ce que l'avenir allait leur réserver. Il était terrifié à l'idée qu'eux tous glissaient inexorablement vers la guerre, vers la gueule béante d'un monstre qui pouvait les avaler tout entiers, comme la baleine avait avalé Jonas. En dépit de leurs différences, Elisabetta, Marco et Sandro forment un trio inséparable depuis l'enfance. Elisabetta est une passionnée qui rêve de devenir romancière. Marco un sportif plein d'énergie. Sandro, doux et rêveur, est issu d'une famille de Juifs aisés et excelle dans les mathématiques. Au fil du temps, l'amitié des deux garçons pour Elisabetta s'est transformée en amour et tous deux rêvent de la conquérir. Mais à l'automne 1937, au moment où Mussolini affirme son pouvoir et aligne le fascisme italien sur le nazisme d'Hitler, leur vie bascule. Désormais, le lien qui les unit depuis toujours sera mis à l'épreuve avec une violence qui dépasse tout ce qu'ils auraient pu imaginer.Ce que la guerre a détruit, seul l'amour peut le réparer.Lisa Scottoline nous offre une épopée historique bouleversante qui met en scène un triangle amoureux au coeur de Rome... dans l'ombre rampante du fascisme, une des périodes les plus sombres de l'Italie.« Un roman historique très abouti, truffé de détails, avec des personnages attachants. » Washington Post« Éternelle semble si vrai qu'on a presque le goût des cappelletti à la bouche en se perdant dans les pages de ce merveilleux et déchirant voyage en Italie. » Martha Hall Kelly« L'admirable incursion de Scottoline dans la fiction historique donne habilement vie aux événements de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Les passionnés de cette période seront captivés par ce roman immersif et chargé d'émotion. » Publishers Weekly« Éternelle est une fiction historique remarquable qui fait revivre Rome durant la montée du fascisme et la Seconde Guerre mondiale, à travers des personnages inoubliables pris dans le tourbillon d'événements dramatiques qui les dépassent. Scottoline appuie son récit sur des recherches précises, son intrigue vous emporte, les sentiments qu'elle décrit sont profonds et déchirants, et en effet, éternels. » Mark Sullivan« Un regard nuancé sur l'Italie de la Seconde Guerre mondiale à travers de multiples points de vue, mais avant tout une histoire d'amour, avec des héros sacrifiés, et pour finir le triomphe de l'amour... » Booklist« Ce qu'Elena Ferrante avait réussi avec sa saga napolitaine, Scottoline le réussit à son tour pour la Rome des années de guerre : elle donne vie à une ville déchirée par les hommes et défendue avec courage et décence par ceux qui s'opposent à eux. Éternelle est une lecture incontournable. » Lorenzo Carcaterra « Une pure merveille. » Gérard Collard
In the new thriller from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Scottoline, Mary DiNunzio's ruthless nemesis Nick Machiavelli is back . . . with a vengeance.
Rosato & DiNunzio are being sued for reverse sex discrimination by three plaintiffs who claim they weren't hired because they were men. Their lawyer, Nick Machiavelli, once lost a case to Mary DiNunzio, and now he wants a rematch. Mary and her partner, Bennie Rosato, soon figure out that Machiavelli manufactured the entire story and entrapped the law firm's only male lawyer, John Foxman, into admitting sexual discrimination. Events turn deadly when Foxman ends up murdered. Now it's all on the line as the women have to figure out who killed Foxman and save the law firm they love. -
Internationally bestselling author Lisa Scottoline returns with this gripping, twisting thriller that will keep fans of Jenny Blackhurst's THE FOSTER CHILD and Shari Lapena's THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR guessing until the very end.
Everyone deserves a second chance at happiness.
Dr Noah Alderman, a widower and single father, is finally content after marrying the wonderful Maggie. And they're both thrilled when Maggie gets an unexpected chance to be a mother to Anna, the daughter she once thought she'd lost forever.
But when seventeen-year-old Anna arrives everything changes - and the darkest turn of events will shatter their lives in ways no one could have imagined.
What if your perfect family becomes your worst nightmare?
Praise for Lisa Scottoline:
"A deliciously distracting thriller...Scottoline illuminat[es] the landing strip of revelations and truths in a deliciously slow and intense way." The Washington Post on After Anna
"Scottoline knows how to keep readers in her grip." The New York Times Book Review
"A virtuoso of suspense, fast action, and intricate plot." The Washington Post
"Scottoline is a powerhouse." David Baldacci
"Scottoline writes riveting thrillers that keep me up all night, with plots that twist and turn." Harlan Coben
"Lisa Scottoline is one of the very best writers at work today" Michael Connelly -
From the bestselling author of BETRAYED and CORRUPTED, DAMAGED is the fourth legal thriller in Lisa Scottoline's electrifying Rosato & Di Nunzio series. Perfect for fans of Lynda La Plante and Michael Connelly.
One boy. One lawyer. One chance for justice.
Shy, dyslexic and small for his age, ten-year-old Patrick O'Brien is a natural target at school. But when Patrick is accused of attacking a school aide, the tables are turned, and the aide promptly sues the boy, his family, and the school district.
Patrick's grandfather turns to the lawyers of Rosato & DiNunzio for help and Mary DiNunzio is soon on the case. But there is more to the story than meets the eye and Patrick may be more troubled than he seems.
With twists at every turn and secrets about the family coming to light, Mary DiNunzio might have found the case that can make her a true protector, or break her heart... -
Lisa Scottoline, internationally bestselling author of KEEP QUIET and EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES, returns with MOST WANTED, a gripping new tale of family, secrets and survival. Sure to keep fans of DAUGHTER and I LET YOU GO hooked until the last page.
When a woman and her husband, desperate for a baby, find themselves unable to conceive, they decide to take further steps. Since it is the husband who is infertile, the heroine decides to use a donor. And all seems to be well. Three months pass and she is happily pregnant. But a shocking revelation occurs when she discovers that a man arrested for a series of brutal murders is her donor - the biological father of the child she is carrying. Delving deeper to uncover the truth, the heroine must face her worst fears, and confront a terrifying truth. MOST WANTED is sure to be Lisa Scottoline's most discussed, bestselling novel yet. -
Hot on the heels of ACCUSED and BETRAYED, CORRUPTED is the third legal thriller in New York Times bestseller Lisa Scottoline's electrifying Rosato & Di Nunzio series.
For Bennie Rosato, founder of the Rosato & DiNunzio law firm, failure has never been an option. Thirteen years ago, she took on Jason Leftavick, a twelve-year-old boy who was sent to a juvenile detention center after fighting a class bully. Bennie couldn't free Jason, and his remains the one case that haunts her.
Now out of prison, Jason's adulthood hasn't been much easier. And when he is indicted for killing the same bully he fought with as a child, Bennie sees no choice but to represent him. She doesn't know whether to believe his innocence, but she knows she knows this time she cannot let him down.
Now, as she is forced to relive the darkest period of her life, Bennie will do everything in her power to get the truth, and justice... -
Lisa Scottoline, internationally bestselling author of KEEP QUIET, returns with EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES, a thriller that will captivate fans of DAUGHTER and THE SISTERS. 'Scottoline is a powerhouse' David Baldacci
Psychologist Dr Eric Parrish is unwittingly under threat.
Recently separated from his wife, Eric is learning to become a single parent to his seven-year-old daughter, and life is far from straightforward.
Now Eric has a new patient who could be a severe danger to others. And he must make a decision that will leave deadly consequences in its wake.
The clock is ticking, and someone is hell bent on destroying Eric's practice, his family, his life.
But how can you defend yourself against an enemy you don't know?
And can you ever win a game you don't even know you are playing? -
Hot on the heels of ACCUSED, BETRAYED is the second legal thriller in New York Times bestseller Lisa Scottoline's electrifying Rosato & Di Nunzio series.
Judy Carrier has always been a champion of the underdog. When her Aunt's beloved friend Iris Juarez is found murdered, and a cache of dirty money is discovered, Judy and her Aunt know there must be more to it. No one was harder working or more loyal than Iris.
Their quest for justice takes them into a shadowy world of people who are so desperate that they cannot go to the police - and where others are so ruthless, they're counting on that vulnerability. As Judy digs deeper into the investigation, she knows she must do whatever it takes to help the betrayed...
Lisa Scottoline revolutionised crime fiction when she introduced her all-female law firm, Rosato & Associates. Now Bennie Rosato, Mary DiNunzio, Judy Carrier, and Anne Murphy are back with all cylinders firing in this fabulous new spin-off series. -
The New York Times top-ten bestseller from Lisa Scottoline. An emotionally charged novel of family, grief and putting the past to rest.
When army doctor Mike Scanlon is posted to Afghanistan, he is aware he might never return to his wife, Chloe, and their newborn baby.
But while Mike operates in the midst of a warzone, Chloe dies suddenly in an apparent household accident.
As Mike returns to pick up the pieces of his life - and learns to be a father to a child he barely knows - a fatal secret threatens to shatter the fragile balance.
Now Mike must put everything on the line as he fights the most important battle of his life. Will it be enough to save his family? -
ACCUSED is the first legal thriller in New York Times bestseller Lisa Scottoline's Rosato & DiNunzio series.
Fiona Gardner was murdered six years ago in what appeared to be an open-and-shut case. The man condemned pleaded guilty. But Fiona's sister, Allegra, is convinced he is innocent.
As Allegra turns to the lawyers at Rosato & Associates, newly promoted partner Mary DiNunzio knows Allegra's parents are against revisiting the case. And only the foolhardy would dare to go up against the one of the most powerful families in the country.
But the women at Rosato & Associates can't resist an underdog.
It will take a team of utterly unstoppable lawyers, plus the help of a thirteen-year-old genius, to discover if justice really was served all those years ago...
Lisa Scottoline revolutionised crime fiction when she introduced her all-female law firm, Rosato & Associates. Now Bennie Rosato, Mary DiNunzio, Judy Carrier, and Anne Murphy are back with all cylinders firing in this fabulous new spin-off series. -
From the bestselling author of CORRUPTED and DAMAGED comes the fifth legal thriller in Lisa Scottoline's electrifying Rosato & Di Nunzio series. Perfect for fans of Lynda La Plante and Michael Connelly.
When Mary DiNunzio takes on a case, she is determined to win, despite the fact that her partner Bennie Rosato is representing the opposition. A war of wills and legal strategy between Mary and Bennie forces everyone in the company to choose a side, and the law firm faces being torn apart.
'Scottoline is a powerhouse' David Baldacci -
Une femme récemment divorcée apprend un jour que son ex-mari vient d'être assassiné.
A la demande de sa belle fille, elle cherche à en savoir plus et se rend compte que l'homme à côté de qui elle a vécu était un inconnu...
Attractive, sexy, and tough-minded, Cate Fante has just become a federal judge - though she isn't quite sure she belongs. For Cate leads a dark, double life - one that she doesn't even tell her best friend about - and it comes shockingly to light with a murder in a case before her. Overnight, her secrets are spilled all over.
Lisa Scottoline, internationally bestselling author of KEEP QUIET and EVERY FIFTEEN MINUTES, returns with a gripping new tale of family and survival. Sure to keep fans of BEHIND CLOSED DOORS and THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN hooked until the last page. Single mother Heather would do anything for her son, Jordan. His talent on the high-school baseball field could be his only ticket to college. Yet there are those in Jordan's team who have the potential to lead him down a darker path. Not least their coach - a new teacher with a dark, hidden agenda of his own. But there is no such thing as a perfect façade. And under pressure the cracks will soon appear... If your child conceals the truth, how can you be sure that they are safe?
Loyalty can save a soul - or destroy one.
Franco Fiorvante is a handsome lemon-grower who has toiled for years on the estate of boss Baron Zito. Franco dreams of owning his own lemon grove, but the rigid class system of Sicily thwarts his ambitions. Determined to secure a prosperous future, Franco will do anything to prove his loyalty to the Baron. But when Baron Zito asks him to arrange the kidnapping of a little boy, Franco crosses the point of no return, setting in motion the making of the world's first Mafia family.
Gaetano Catalano is an idealistic young lawyer, whose devotion for justice is a calling. Gaetano is a member of the Beati Paoli, a real-life secret society of aristocrats who investigate crime. Gaetano and the Beati Paoli set out to find the boy, but for Gaetano, the mission turns to obsession. He risks everything to right the wrong.
The kidnapped boy, Dante, grows up without even knowing his last name. He doubts his own sanity until he meets Lucia, a girl with a tragic past of her own. They fall in love, and set out to find his true identity. -
Lisa Scottoline, the #1 bestselling author of What Happened to the Bennetts, presents another pulse-pounding domestic thriller about family, justice, and the lies that tear us apart.
TJ Devlin is the charming disappointment in the prominent Devlin family, all of whom are lawyers at their highly successful firm-except him. After a stint in prison and rehab for alcoholism, TJ can't get hired anywhere except at the firm, in a make-work job with the title of investigator.
But one night, TJ's world turns upside down after his older brother John confesses that he just murdered one of the clients, an accountant he'd confronted with proof of embezzlement. It seems impossible coming from John, the firstborn son and Most Valuable Devlin.
TJ plunges into the investigation, seizing the chance to prove his worth and save his brother. But in no time, TJ and John find themselves entangled in a lethal web of deception and murder. TJ will fight to save his family, but what he learns might break them first. -
Rita Morrone, une avocate italo-américaine rebelle et joueuse de poker, défend un juge fédéral accusé de harcèlement sexuel par sa jeune secrétaire. Mais Rita, qui est aussi fiancée au fils du juge, Paul, découvre en la personne de la plaignante une vamp manipulatrice qui a séduit le père et le fils bien que ceux-ci s'en défendent. La secrétaire est alors assassinée dans des conditions mystérieuses, et le juge apparaît comme un coupable tout désigné, tandis que les médias s'emparent de l'affaire... Quoique novice en droit criminel, Rita mène l'enquête, isolée dans un monde d'hommes qui tous cherchent à tirer profit de la situation. Elle prend conseil auprès de son père, Vito, boucher dans un quartier pauvre de Philadelphie, et de ses amis, qui sont aussi ses partenaires de poker favoris. Mais Vito est victime d'une agression à son tour et Rita, naviguant entre l'establishment Wasp et son milieu d'origine, qui plus est tiraillée entre son amour pour Paul et sa rage de battante, ne s'en sort qu'au prix de mascarades dignes du meilleur vaudeville. Elle tend un piège au tueur et finit par le démasquer...
Benedetta Rosato, surnommée Bennie, est une grande blonde. Avocate de génie, elle se passionne pour les abus de pouvoir. Jamais le cabinet qu'elle dirige avec Mark Biscardi, son ex-petit ami, n'a été si florissant... même si Bennie n'est pas au mieux avec la police de Philadelphie. Elle s'attaque en effet au cas de Bill Kleeb, adolescent victime de brutalités policières alors qu'il participait à une manifestation contre une grande société pharmaceutique. L'affaire cesse d'être de pure routine lorsque Kleeb lui avoue que les moyens mis en oeuvre pour lutter contre le P.D.G. de cette société vont bien au delà de la simple confrontation pacifique... Du jour au lendemain, la vie de Bennie bascule : on découvre son associé assassiné. Elle n'a pas d'alibi, mais, aux yeux de la police, un sérieux mobile : Biscardi voulait dissoudre leur association. C'est elle qu'on accuse désormais, et les policiers sont bien décidés à ne lui faire aucun cadeau...
Martha Richter est en passe d'obtenir l'acquittement, d'Elliot Steer, promoteur immobilier millionnaire accusé d'avoir tué un vagabond pour se défendre, quand celui-ci lui révèle qu'il a commis le meurtre de sang-froid. Martha, furieuse d'avoir été trompée, cherche alors à rassembler les preuves irréfutables de la culpabilité de son client avant que le jury ne revienne proclamer son acquittement.
Dans la tempête de neige sans précédent qui s'abat soudain sur Philadelphie, Martha n'aura pas seulement à affronter les gardes-chiourmes du millionnaire, sa mystérieuse petite amie et un juge ambitieux qui compte sur cet acquittement pour se propulser à la Cour Suprême : elle se heurte aussi à ses collègues avocats dont la célèbre Bennie Rosato... qui tient à la réputation de son cabinet...
Quel serait le devenir d'un système judiciaire où l'avocat ne serait plus fidèle à son client et porterait un jugement sur sa moralité ? Lisa Scottoline nous entraîne dans un thriller aux multiples rebondissements.
Lisa Scottoline vit à Philadelphie. Deux de ses best-sellers sont traduits en français : La Bluffeuse, Rien à perdre.