Nicholas Sparks
Certaines rencontres peuvent changer une vie
New York, décembre 2019. Malade, la célèbre photographe Maggie Dawes vit son dernier Noël. En ce soir de réveillon propice à la nostalgie, elle se confie à Mark, son nouvel assistant. Plus particulièrement sur l'année de ses seize ans, quand sa vie a pris un tournant qu'elle n'aurait jamais imaginé. Vingt ans plus tard, Maggie n'a rien oublié de cet été. " Si vous pouviez demander tout ce que vous voulez pour Noël, ce serait quoi ? " la questionne Mark, ému par ses confessions. Remonter le temps ? -
Message in a Bottle est le second roman de Nicholas Sparks. L'adaptation cinématographique a été réalisée par Luis Mandoki avec Kevin Costner, Robin Wright-Penn et Paul Newman dans les rôles principaux.Theresa, une jeune journaliste et mère de famille divorcée, se promène sur la plage de Cape Cod. Elle y trouve une bouteille contenant un message qui va bouleverser sa vie. Cette bouteille a été jetée à la mer, au gré des courants, par Garrett, un homme qui ne peut se résigner à la disparition de la femme de sa vie et c'est à elle qu'il destine cette lettre d'amour dont la lecture émeut si profondément Theresa. Celle-ci n'a plus qu'une idée en tête, se mettre à la recherche, identifier, découvrir le visage de l'auteur de cette lettre...
Niveau faux débutants -
Trevor, un jeune médecin militaire gravement blessé en opération, n'avait jamais eu l'intention de retourner vivre à New Bern, la ville de son enfance. Mais lorsque son grand-père décède d'une façon aussi étrange que soudaine, il n'a d'autre choix que de retrouver la vieille maison dont il a hérité. À peine installé, il rencontre Natalie, la shérif adjointe du comté, qui ne le laisse pas indifférent. Mais Natalie reste désespérément distante et semble même lui cacher quelque chose. Et elle n'est pas la seule... Par le plus grand auteur de romans d'amour. Une magnifique histoire qui nous émeut !
Et si la raison du coeur était la plus forte ? Coincé dans sa voiture après un accident de la route, Ira Levinson, un vieil homme de quatre-vingt dix ans, attend désespérément qu'on vienne le secourir. Ruth, la femme qu'il a aimé toute sa vie et qui s'est éteinte neuf ans plus tôt, revient hanter ses pensées. Il se remémore alors les joies et les peines qu'ils ont partagées. À l'autre bout des États-Unis, Sophia, une étudiante en histoire de l'art, et Luke, un cowboy, tombent follement amoureux l'un de l'autre. Mais ils ont des engagements et des rêves radicalement opposés. Pendant que l'une tente de se remettre d'une relation qui l'a brisée, l'autre doit batailler pour sauver le ranch de sa famille, quitte à mettre sa propre existence en danger. Rien ne semble lier le jeune couple au vieil homme, et pourtant, sur le plus beau des chemins, celui que l'on nomme la vie, leurs routes pourraient bien se croiser... Une rencontre inespérée * L'amour comme seul horizon
L'amour serait-il leur meilleure chance ?
Katie débarque seule et sans attache dans la petite ville de Southport, en Caroline du Nord. Belle, jeune et mystérieuse, elle devient vite le sujet de toutes les conversations...
D'abord déterminée à préserver sa solitude, elle finit par se lier d'amitié avec Alex, veuf et père de deux enfants. Ensemble, ils soignent d'anciennes blessures. Mais alors que Katie reprend confiance en la vie, les fantômes de son passé la rattrapent. -
À trente-deux ans, Russel Green a une vie de rêve : une brillante carrière dans la publicité, une maison sublime à Charlotte en Caroline du Nord, une adorable petite fille de six ans et surtout une femme exceptionnelle, Vivianne, qui est le centre de son monde. Mais cette merveilleuse façade se craquelle le jour où Vivianne le quitte soudainement et où il perd son travail. Désarmé, Russel doit apprendre à composer avec sa nouvelle existence et à élever seul sa fille. Submergé de chagrin, il se jette dans ce défi quotidien. L'amour inconditionnel qui le lie à sa fille lui redonnera-t-il goût à la vie ?
From the acclaimed author of The Notebook comes an emotional, powerful novel about wondering if we can change - or even make our peace with - the path we''ve taken.
Tanner Hughes was raised by his grandparents, following in his grandfather''s military footsteps to become an Army Ranger. His whole life has been spent abroad, and he is the proverbial rolling stone... happiest when off on his next adventure, zero desire to settle down. But when his grandmother passes away, her last words to him are: find where you belong. She also drops a bombshell, telling him the name of the father he never knew-and where he might be found.
Tanner is due at his next posting soon, but his curiosity is piqued, and he sets out for Asheboro, North Carolina, to ask around. He''s been in town less than 24 hours when he meets Kaitlyn Cooper, a doctor and single mom. They both feel an immediate connection; Tanner knows Kaitlyn has a story to tell, and he wants to hear it. For Kaitlyn, Tanner is mysterious, exciting - and possibly leaving in just a few weeks.
Meanwhile, nearby, 83-year-old Jasper lives alone in a cabin bordering a national forest. With only his old dog Arlo for company, he lives quietly, haunted by a tragic accident that took place decades before. When he hears rumors that a white deer has been spotted in the forest - a creature of legend that inspired his father and grandfather - he becomes obsessed with protecting the deer from poachers.
As these characters'' fates orbit closer together, none of them is expecting a miracle...but that may be exactly what is about to alter their futures forever. -
À la suite d'une tragédie familiale, Colby a dû renoncer à une prometteuse carrière musicale pour reprendre la ferme de sa tante. Mais lorsqu'il renoue avec la scène pour une soirée exceptionnelle, c'est toute sa vie et ses devoirs que Colby remet en question. À des milliers de kilomètres de là, Beverly tente de se reconstruire en fuyant un passé traumatisant. Mais les démons qui la hantent lui permettront-ils d'y parvenir ?
Édition 20è anniversaire !
Je suis un homme ordinaire, et j'ai mené une vie ordinaire. Aucun monument ne sera élevé à ma mémoire et mon nom sera vite oublié. Mais j'ai aimé de tout mon coeur, de toute mon âme. Allie et Noah se sont connus alors qu'ils n'avaient que quatorze ans et, depuis, ils sont unis par un amour sans faille.
Aujourd'hui, cinquante ans plus tard, Noah veille sur Allie atteinte de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Lorsqu'elle a ressenti les premiers symptômes, elle lui a fait une demande particulière : qu'il lui raconte leur propre histoire... Alors, pendant des heures, il reste auprès d'elle et évoque inlassablement leur bonheur passé.
Ces innombrables souvenirs heureux parviendront-ils à freiner l'inexorable progression du mal qui ronge Allie ? -
The international #1 bestselling author of The Notebook , Nicholas Sparks is back with his most epic story yet. What if the person you needed most, turned up when you least expected them? Maggie hasn''t told this story in years. More than two decades ago, she fell in love. She was sixteen and far from home, waiting to give her baby up for adoption. Bryce showed Maggie how to take photographs and he didn''t judge her for the way her belly swelled under her jumper. They had the perfect first kiss. Theirs was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of love. Now, as Maggie sits by the Christmas tree in her gallery telling her story, surrounded by the photographs that made her famous - the photographs Bryce never saw - her new gallery assistant asks her a question. If she had one wish, what would she wish for this Christmas? Maggie always thought she knew the answer to that question. But before she can say ''I''d go back to that winter with Bryce'', she stops herself. It is all she has ever wanted but suddenly here, on this dark night under the twinkling stars, there is something else she wants. She wants to find her baby. A heart-wrenching and uplifting story about discovery and loss, The Wish is a reminder that time with those precious to us is the greatest gift of all. * Praise for Nicholas Sparks: ''This one won''t leave a dry eye'' Daily Mirror ''A fiercely romantic and touching tale'' Heat ''An A-grade romantic read'' OK! ''Pulls at the heartstrings'' Sunday Times ''An absorbing page-turner'' Daily Mail
Combien de temps un rêve peut-il survivre ?
Hope Anderson, 36 ans, vit en couple depuis six ans avec Josh, un chirurgien qui rechigne à s'engager. Lorsqu'elle apprend que son père adoré est gravement malade, elle décide d'aller se ressourcer dans le cottage familial de Sunset Beach en Caroline du Nord.
Tru Walls, jeune quadragénaire divorcé, est guide de safari au Zimbabwe. Le jour où il reçoit une lettre d'un homme prétendant être son père biologique, il décide de rejoindre la Caroline du Nord afin de percer le mystère de sa naissance.
Quand ces deux êtres se rencontrent sur la plage, leur attirance est immédiate, inexplicable. Mais comment concilier deux parcours de vie si éloignés ? -
Si tu me voyais comme je te vois
Nicholas Sparks
- Libra Diffusio
- Corps 16
- 5 Janvier 2017
- 9782844928658
L'amour surgit sans crier gare entre Colin, ancien garçon au passé trouble, et Maria, brillante avocate en plein doute. Une rencontre fortuite sur une route pluvieuse va bouleverser le destin de ces deux jeunes gens tourmentés. Face aux obstacles qui se dressent devant eux, parviendront-ils à déjouer les pronostics pour vivre pleinement leur bonheur.
Une histoire d'amour comme on les aime.
Set amid the beauty of the North Carolina coast, this is a bittersweet and irresistiblyromantic love story. 'Achingly moving and will have you weeping for the joy and tragedyof it all'
A l'âge de 17 ans, la vie de Veronica Miller, alias " Ronnie ",'` est bouleversée par le divorce de ses parents et le départ soudain de son père, qui abandonne New York pour la Caroline du Nord. Elle lui en veut vraiment et refuse de le voir depuis la rupture... Jusqu'au jour où, trois ans plus tard, sa mère décide de l'envoyer passer un été avec lui, espérant une réconciliation. Le père de Ronnie, ancien pianiste et professeur, mène une vie paisible en bord de mer où il se consacre à la confection d'une oeuvre d'art. Dès son arrivée, Ronnie se rebelle et menace de partir. Mais bientôt, elle fait la connaissance de Will, un jeune homme du village, qui va faire chavirer son coeur. Baissant sa garde, va-t-elle enfin réussir à s'ouvrir au bonheur ?
From the number one bestselling author of The Notebook and Two by Two comes an unforgettable tale of enduring love. There are times when destiny and love collide. This story is one of them. Hope Anderson is at a crossroads. After six years with her boyfriend, she is no longer sure what she wants, and when her father becomes ill she heads to her family's cottage at Sunset Beach in North Carolina to make some difficult decisions. Tru Walls has been summoned across an ocean from where he was born and raised in Zimbabwe by a letter from a man claiming to be his father. In journeying to Sunset Beach, Tru hopes to unravel the mystery surrounding his mother's life, but the letter will lead him in an unexpected direction. When these two strangers' paths cross, their chance encounter sets in motion a heart-breaking story - one that will transcend decades, continents and the workings of fate. 'When it comes to tales about love, Nicholas Sparks is one of the undisputed kings' Heat Praise for MULTI-MILLION-copy bestseller Nicholas Sparks: 'An absorbing page-turner' Daily Mail 'A fiercely romantic and touching tale' Heat on The Longest Ride 'An A-grade romantic read' OK! on Safe Haven 'This one won't leave a dry eye' Daily Mirror on The Lucky One
The New York Times and international number one bestselling author Nicholas Sparks returns with a powerful new love story.
Nicholas Sparks
- Sphere
- 13 Juin 2019
- 9780751567786
There are times when destiny and love collide. This story is one of them.From the number one bestselling author of The Notebook and Two by Two comes an unforgettable tale of enduring love . . .
Hope Anderson is at a crossroads. After six years with her boyfriend, she is no longer sure what she wants, and when her father becomes ill she heads to her family's cottage at Sunset Beach in North Carolina to make some difficult decisions.Tru Walls has been summoned across an ocean from where he was born and raised in Zimbabwe by a letter from a man claiming to be his father. In journeying to Sunset Beach, Tru hopes to unravel the mystery surrounding his mother's life, but the letter will lead him in an unexpected direction. When these two strangers' paths cross, their chance encounter sets in motion a heart-breaking story - one that will transcend decades, continents and the workings of fate.
'A new Nicholas Sparks novel is a major event . . . [Every Breath] is deeply moving and I was captivated . . . fans are going to adore this latest, beautifully written tale' Daily Mail'[Every Breath is a] powerful read that tugs at the heartstrings' OK! Magazine Praise for multi-million-copy bestseller phenomenon, Nicholas Sparks:'When it comes to tales about love, Nicholas Sparks is one of the undisputed kings' Heat'An absorbing page-turner' Daily Mail'A fiercely romantic and touching tale' Heat on The Longest Ride'An A-grade romantic read' OK! on Safe Haven'This one won't leave a dry eye' Daily Mirror on The Lucky One -
Colin Hancock is giving his second chance his best shot.At twenty-eight, he's focused on getting his teaching degree and avoiding all the places and people that proved so destructive in his past. The last thing he's looking for is a serious relationship. But when he crosses paths with Maria Sanchez one rainswept night, his carefully structured life is turned upside down. And when Maria, a hardworking lawyer, meets Colin she begins to question every notion she has ever had about herself and her future - and what truly makes her happy. Before the couple has a chance to envision a life together, menacing reminders from events in Maria's past start to surface. And as the threat of violence begins to shadow her every step, she and Colin will be pushed to breaking point. The stunning new love story from multi-million-copy bestselling author Nicholas Sparks, See Me is a story of obsession, reinvention and a love that defies every expectation.
From the author of The Notebook and See Me comes a beautiful story of heartbreak, strength and unconditional love that will capture your heart . Sometimes the end is just the beginning . . . Russell Green has it all: a loving family, a successful career and a beautiful house. But underneath his seemingly perfect world, cracks are beginning to appear . . . and no one is more surprised than Russ when the life he took for granted is turned upside down. Finding himself single-handedly caring for his young daughter, while trying to launch his own business, the only thing Russ knows is that he must shelter his little girl from the consequences of these changes. As Russ embarks on this daunting and unexpected new chapter of his life, a chance encounter will challenge him to find a happiness beyond anything he could ever have imagined. Praise for Nicholas Sparks 'Pulls at the heartstrings' Sunday Times 'When it comes to tales about love, Nicholas Sparks is one of the undisputed kings' Heat 'An absorbing page-turner' Daily Mail 'A fiercely romantic and touching tale' Heat on The Longest Ride 'An A-grade romantic read' OK! on Safe Haven 'This one won't leave a dry eye' Daily Mirror on The Lucky One * The breathtaking new love story from Nicholas Sparks, Every Breath , is available to pre-order now *
Seventeen-year-old Veronica 'Ronnie' Miller's life was turned upside-down when her parents divorced and her father moved from New York City to Wilmington, North Carolina. Three years later, she remains angry and alienated from her parents, especially her father . . . until her mother decides it would be in everyone's best interest if she spent the summer in Wilmington with him. Ronnie's father, a former concert pianist and teacher, is living a quiet life in the beach town, immersed in creating a work of art that will become the centerpiece of a local church.
The tale that unfolds is an unforgettable story about love in its myriad forms - first love, the love between parents and children - that demonstrates, as only a Nicholas Sparks novel can, the many ways that deeply felt relationships can break our hearts . . . and heal them. -
The bestselling novel and epic love story behind the Hollywood blockbuster, from the author of The Notebook
Love hurts. There is nothing as painful as heartbreak. But in order to learn to love again you must learn to trust again.
When a mysterious young woman named Katie appears in the small town of Southport, her sudden arrival raises questions about her past. Beautiful yet unassuming, Katie is determined to avoid forming personal ties until a series of events draws her into two reluctant relationships.
Despite her reservations, Katie slowly begins to let down her guard, putting down roots in the close-knit community. But even as Katie starts to fall in love, she struggles with the dark secret that still haunts her . . .
*The breathtaking new love story from Nicholas Sparks, Every Breath, is available to pre-order now*
Praise for Nicholas Sparks
'Pulls at the heartstrings' Sunday Times
'When it comes to tales about love, Nicholas Sparks is one of the undisputed kings' Heat
'An absorbing page-turner' Daily Mail
'A fiercely romantic and touching tale' Heat on The Longest Ride
'An A-grade romantic read' OK! on Safe Haven
'This one won't leave a dry eye' Daily Mirror on The Lucky One -
The bestselling love story behind the massive Hollywood film
Two couples. Two love stories. One epic tale.
Ninety-one-year-old Ira Levinson is in trouble. Struggling to stay conscious after a car crash, an image of his adored - and long-dead - wife Ruth appears. Urging him to hang on, she lovingly recounts the joys and sorrows of their life together - how they met, the dark days of WWII and its unrelenting effect on their families.
A few miles away, college student Sophia Danko's life is about to change. Recovering from a break-up, she meets the young, rugged Luke and is thrown into a world far removed from her privileged school life. Sophia sees a new and tantalising future for herself, but Luke is keeping a secret that could destroy it all.
Ira and Ruth. Sophia and Luke. Two couples, separated by years and experience, whose lives are about to converge in the most unexpected - and shocking - of ways.
The new love story from the multi-million-copy bestselling author of The Notebook, The Lucky One and The Best of Me. Nicholas Sparks is one of the world's most beloved authors.