Kiersten White
Un parc d'attractions délabré. Quatorze concurrents. Sept jours pour gagner. Partout où se cacher, mais nulle part où fuir...
Mack a passé toute son existence à se cacher, elle est experte en la matière - c'est sans doute pour cela qu'elle est toujours en vie, contrairement à sa famille. Aussi, lorsqu'on lui propose de participer à une compétition de cache-cache avec une très belle somme à la clé, elle y voit une opportunité en or pour changer de vie. Gagner sera un véritable jeu d'enfant.
Seulement, lorsque ses adversaires commencent à disparaître mystérieusement les uns après les autres, Mack comprend que cette fois-ci, le seul moyen pour elle de survivre est peut-être d'affronter en groupe ce qui les pourchasse. Mais comment s'assurer la victoire lorsque l'on a partout où se cacher et nulle part où fuir ? -
Le jeune Obi-Wan Kenobi face au vertige existentielle de l'adolescence !
Nouvel apprenti de Qui-Gon Jinn depuis peu, Obi-Wan Kenobi ne peut s'empêcher de se demander si leur association n'est pas une erreur. Le Padawan excelle au maniement du sabre laser, mais Qui-Gon veut surtout qu'il travaille la méditation. Et tandis que d'autres Padawans accompagnent leur maître pour des missions lointaines et passionnantes, Qui-Gon et son élève restent sur Coruscant. Aussi, lorsqu'Obi-Wan découvre des indices concernant une affaire restée en suspens sur une planète mystérieuse, il convainc Qui-Gon d'aller y enquêter. Mais le matin du départ, son maître demeure introuvable. Furieux et blessé, Obi-Wan décide de partir seul pour accomplir cette mission.
Arrivé sur Lenahra, il découvre que les seuls habitants de la planète sont de jeunes utilisateurs de la Force. Plus il passe de temps avec eux, loin du quotidien du Temple, plus il doit affronter sa plus grande crainte : peut-être n'a-t-il jamais été destiné à devenir un Jedi ? Pourtant il ne peut s'empêcher de sentir que quelque chose ne va pas sur Lenahra. Obi-Wan parviendra-t-il à rétablir son lien avec la Force à temps pour se sauver, ainsi que tous ceux qui l'entourent ? -
La princesse Guenièvre arrive à Camelot pour épouser le charismatique Roi Arthur, mais elle n'est pas celle qu'elle prétend être. Son vrai nom et sa véritable identité sont un secret.
La magie a été interdite dans le royaume et le sorcier Merlin qui en a été banni a trouvé un moyen de protéger le roi : faire de Guenièvre sa femme... et sa protectrice contre ceux qui veulent voir la ville du jeune souverain tomber.
Pour sauver la vie d'Arthur, sa nouvelle épouse va devoir naviguer dans une cour où les anciennes valeurs qui s'opposent au changement côtoient de nouvelles voix qui se battent pour un monde meilleur.
Mais au coeur de la forêt et dans les sombres profondeurs des lacs, la plus terrible des menaces attend pour récupérer ce qui lui est dû...
Les chevaliers d'Arthur croient qu'ils sont assez forts pour faire face à n'importe quel danger, mais Guenièvre sait qu'il faudra bien plus que des épées pour garder Camelot libre.
Des joutes meurtrières aux trahisons et aux romances interdites, La duperie de Guenièvre propose une lecture inédite et fascinante de la plus grande des légendes. Le combat entre la magie et le fer, le bien et le mal. Une oeuvre forte, novatrice et indispensable.
Loin de Camelot et de ses alliés, Guenièvre ne peut compter que sur elle-même. Mais qui est-elle vraiment ? C'est ici que tout finit... ou que tout commence... enfin.
En voyageant vers le Nord en direction de la Reine Noire, Guenièvre tombe entre les mains de ses ennemis. Derrière elle se trouvent Lancelot, piégée de l'autre côté de la barrière magique créée pour protéger Camelot, et Arthur, qui a été emmené loin de son royaume à la poursuite de fausses promesses.
Jurant de découvrir la vérité sur son passé avec ou sans l'aide de Merlin, Guenièvre s'associe à l'ensorceleuse Morgane et à Mordred, tout en faisant face aux sentiments déroutants et interdits qu'elle nourrit encore pour lui.
Alors qu'elle fait une découverte terrifiante sur son identité, elle va devoir choisir entre défaire les erreurs du passé ou sauver Camelot, quitte à y laisser la vie... -
NATIONAL BESTSELLER Who is Mister Magic? Former child stars reunite to uncover the tragedy that ended their show-and discover the secret of its enigmatic host-in this «skin-crawling story of pop culture fandom and '90s nostalgia» (Melissa Albert, author of The Hazel Woods) from the author of Hide.
«[A] propulsive, exciting, often genuinely scary, endlessly compelling mystery.»-Terry Miles, author of Rabbits
A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: PopSugar, Polygon, Chicago Public Library, CrimeReads
Thirty years after a tragic accident shut down production of the classic children's program Mister Magic, the five surviving cast members have done their best to move on. But just as generations of cultishly devoted fans still cling to the lessons they learned from the show, the cast, known as the Circle of Friends, have spent their lives searching for the happiness they felt while they were on it. The friendship. The feeling of belonging. And the protection of Mister Magic.
But with no surviving video of the show, no evidence of who directed or produced it, and no records of who-or what-the beloved host actually was, memories are all the former Circle of Friends has.
Then a twist of fate brings the castmates back together at the remote desert filming compound that feels like it's been waiting for them all this time. Even though they haven't seen each other for years, they understand one another better than anyone has since.
After all, they're the only ones who hold the secret of that circle, the mystery of the magic man in his infinitely black cape, and, maybe, the answers to what really happened on that deadly last day. But as the Circle of Friends reclaim parts of their past, they begin to wonder: Are they here by choice, or have they been lured into a trap?
Because magic never forgets the taste of your friendship....
Le Roi Arthur étend l'influence de son royaume avec Guenièvre à ses côtés. Mais chaque nuit, celle-ci rêve de ténèbres et d'un mystérieux pouvoir qui rôde sous le château...
Guenièvre a peut-être accepté son rôle de reine de Camelot, mais elle n'arrive toujours pas à y trouver sa place. Alors que Brangien pleure son amour perdu, que Lancelot essaie de s'affirmer en tant que chevalière et qu'Arthur règne, la jeune femme réalise à quel point son existence est vide. Elle n'a aucun souvenir de qui elle était avant de jouer ce rôle de composition.
Après un évènement tragique, Guenièvre revient à Camelot pour y trouver la plus grande des menaces. Pas sous les traits de la Reine Noire ou d'une armée d'invasion, mais en la personne de la petite soeur de la vraie Guenièvre. Pourra-t-elle maintenir l'illusion ou va-t-elle faire face à un danger sans précédent ?
A high-stakes hide-and-seek competition turns deadly in this dark supernatural thriller from New York Times bestselling author Kiersten White, perfect for fans of Stephen King and SQUID GAME.
The challenge: spend a week hiding in an abandoned amusement park and don''t get caught.
The prize: enough money to change everything.
Even though everyone is desperate to win - to seize their dream futures or escape their haunting pasts - Mack feels sure that she can beat her competitors. All she has to do is hide, and she''s an expert at that.
It''s the reason she''s alive, and her family isn''t.
But as the people around her begin disappearing one by one, Mack realizes this competition is more sinister than even she imagined, and that together might be the only way to survive.
Fourteen competitors. Seven days. Everywhere to hide, but nowhere to run.
Come out, come out, wherever you are. -
B>b>The gripping conclusion to the acclaimed Arthurian fantasy trilogy from New York Times bestselling author Kiersten White finds Guinevere questioning everything—friends and enemies, good and evil, and, most of all, herself./b>/b>br>br>While journeying north toward the Dark Queen, Guinevere falls into the hands of her enemies. Behind her are Lancelot, trapped on the other side of the magical barrier they created to protect Camelot, and Arthur, who has been led away from his kingdom, chasing after false promises. But the greatest danger isn’t what lies ahead of Guinevere—it’s what’s been buried inside her. br>br>Vowing to unravel the truth of her past with or without Merlin’s help, Guinevere joins forces with the sorceress Morgana and her son, Mordred—and faces the confusing, forbidden feelings she still harbors for him. When Guinevere makes an agonizing discovery about who she is and how she came to be, she finds herself with an impossible choice: fix a terrible crime, or help prevent>br>Guinevere is determined to set things right, whatever the cost. To defeat a rising evil. To remake a kingdom. To undo the mistakes of the past...even if it means destroying>br>Guinevere has been a changeling, a witch, a queen—but what does it mean to be just a girl?
Kiersten White
- Delacorte Press
- 27 Septembre 2022
- 9780593644904
B>b>b>From the critically acclaimed, bestselling author comes the second book in a middle grade series/b> that''s part Scooby Doo, part A Series of Unfortunate Events, and entirely genius! Follow the Sinister-Winterbottom twins as they solve mysteries at increasingly bizarre summer vacation destinations in the hopes of being reunited with their parents--or at the very least finally finding a good churro./b>/b>br>br>After leaving Fathoms of Fun, the kids are on their way to the next odd summer destination their aunt has chosen for them. This time, they find themselves dropped off at The Sanguine Spa in the little Transylvania Mountains. There they meet the owners: Mina, her mysterious little sister, Lucy (who is extremely pale, cant go in the sunlight, and has an affinity for hanging upside down from the ceiling), and their intimidating guardian, The Count. ;br>;br>When The Count sends all the children in the spa on a scavenger hunt, the Sinister-Winterbottoms use the excuse to snoop around and discover that this spa may be more than just eerie--it might also hold clues to what happened to their parents. When Wil starts to show vampiric symptoms, the twins resolve to investigate whats really going on at the Sanguine Spa. ;br>;br>The second book of Sinister Summer continues the adventures of the Sinister-Winterbottoms and their aunt who never saw a discount vacation destination she didnt love.
The third book in the middle grade series that''s part
The spooky summer adventures of the Sinister-Winterbottom twins continue in another gothic mystery: can Theo and Alexander solve the secret of the Sanguine Spa? The second book in the new Sinister Summer series by #1 After leaving Fathoms of Fun, the kids are on their way to the next odd summer destination their aunt has chosen for them. This time, they find themselves dropped off at the Sanguine Spa in the little Transylvania Mountains. There they meet the owners: Mina, her mysterious little sister, Lucy (who is extremely pale, cant go in the sunlight, and has an affinity for hanging upside down from the ceiling), and their intimidating guardian, the Count. ;
When the Count sends all the children in the spa on a scavenger hunt, the Sinister-Winterbottoms use the excuse to snoop around and discover that this spa may be more than just eerie--it might also hold clues to what happened to their parents. When Wil starts to show vampiric symptoms, the twins resolve to investigate whats really going on at the Sanguine Spa. ;
The second book in the Sinister Summer series continues the adventures of the Sinister-Winterbottoms and their aunt who never saw a discount vacation destination she didnt love. -
In this epic and seductive gothic fantasy, a vampire escapes the thrall of Dracula and embarks on her own search for self-discovery and true love, from the #1
Her name was written in the pages of someone else''s story: Lucy Westenra was one of Dracula''s first victims.;
But her death was only the beginning. Lucy rose from the grave a vampire, and has spent her immortal life trying to escape from Dracula''s clutches--and trying to discover who she really is and what she truly wants.;
Her undead life takes an unexpected turn when, in twenty-first-century London, she meets another woman who is also yearning to break free from her past.;Iris's family has built a health empire based on a sinister secret, and they'll do anything to stay in power.
Lucy has long believed she would never love again. But she finds herself compelled by the charming Iris, while Iris is mesmerized by the confident and glamorous Lucy.;But their intense connection and blossoming love is threatened by forces from without.;Iris''s mother won''t let go of her without a fight, and Lucy''s past still has fangs: Dracula is on the prowl again.
Lucy Westenra has been a tragically murdered teen, a lonesome adventurer, and a fearsome hunter, but happiness always eluded her.;Can she find the strength to destroy Dracula once and for all, or will her heart once again be her undoing?