john green
Nos étoiles contraires
John Green
- Pocket Jeunesse
- Pocket Jeunesse Hors Collection
- 19 Octobre 2017
- 9782266283304
Passage en poche du roman culte de John Green !
Lorsque je lisais ce livre à la plage, ma mère m'a demandé ce qu'il racontait, et moi, complétement absorbée par ma lecture et désirant y retourner au plus vite, je lui ai dit le gros de l'histoire.
- C'est une fille qui a le cancer, qui rencontre un gars qui avait le cancer. C'est génial !
Alors là, elle m'a lancé un regard inquiet et m'a dit :
- Tu es sûre que ça va ?
Une lectrice sur Un roman sur la vie, sur la mort et sur les gens qui se retrouvent coincés entre les deux. Nos étoiles contraires, c'est John Green au sommet de son art. On rit, on pleure et on en redemande Marcus Zusak, auteur du bestseller La voleuse de livres Alors qu'on craint ne ressentir que de la tristesse en le refermant, ce livre nous fait aimer la vie plus que jamais Mélanie Blossier, chroniqueuse pour le magazine Page et libraire à la librairie Doucet, au Mans Ça frôle le génie. Ce livre est tout simplement dévastateur; Il affronte sans peur les émotions simples, directes et puissantes Time Magazine -
Miles Halter a seize ans mais n'a pas l'impression d'avoir vécu. Assoiffé d'expériences, il quitte le cocon familial pour le campus universitaire : ce sera le lieu de tous les possibles, de toutes les premières fois. Et de sa rencontre avec Alaska. La troublante, l'insaisissable Alaska Young, insoumise et fascinante. Amitiés fortes, amour, transgression, quête de sens : un roman qui fait rire, et fondre en larmes l'instant d'après... «Le défi en écrivant "Qui es-tu Alaska ?" était de comprendre qu'un roman est là pour révéler la vérité, sans se préoccuper des faits. Car pour citer William Faulkner : "C'est la vérité qui m'intéresse, pas les faits"» John Green.
Margo Roth Speigelman, le nom qui fait fantasmer Quentin depuis toujours. Alors, forcément, quand elle s'introduit dans sa chambre, un soir, pour l'entaîner dans une expédition vengeresse, il la suit. Mais au lendemain de leur folle nuit blanche, Margo a disparu. Quentin saura-t-il décrypter les indices qu'elle a laissés derrière elle ?
Bienvenue dans l'anthropocène : Chroniques sensibles des choses humaines
John Green
- Gallimard Jeunesse
- Pole Fiction
- 4 Janvier 2024
- 9782075202787
L'Anthropocène ? C'est l'ère géologique actuelle. John Green, l'auteur de Nos étoiles contraires, l'explore à travers 44 chroniques percutantes et inspirantes. Il étudie, tantôt avec humour, tantôt avec émotion, les paradoxes de la condition humaine et notre incidence profonde sur la planète.
Prise dans la spirale vertigineuse de ses pensées obsessionnelles, Aza, seize ans, n'avait pas l'intention d'enquêter sur la disparition du milliardaire Russell Pickett. Mais c'était compter sans Daisy, sa meilleure amie, et une récompense de cent mille dollars. Aza renoue alors avec le fils Pickett, Davis. L'improbable trio trouvera en chemin d'autres mystères et d'autres vérités, celles de la résilience, de l'amour et de l'amitié indéfectible.
Le théorème des Katherine
John Green
- Pocket Jeunesse
- Pocket Jeunesse Hors Collection
- 6 Septembre 2018
- 9782266288941
Dix-neuf fois Colin est tombé amoureux. Dix-neuf fois la fille s'appelait Katherine. Pas Katie, ni Kat, ni Kittie, ni Cathy, et surtout pas Catherine, mais KATHERINE. Et, dix-neuf fois, il s'est fait larguer.
Pour Will Grayson, les histoires de coeur portent sytématiquement la poisse, alors autant se faire discret. Son meilleur ami, aussi ouvertement gay que corpulent, ne risque pas, lui, de passer inaperçu. À l'autre bout de la ville, un adolescent en pleine déprime assume mal sa différence. Le hasard veut qu'il se nomme lui aussi Will Grayson...
Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten.
The unmissable first novel from bestselling and award-winning author of THE FAULT IN OUR STARS.
Flocons d'amour
Maureen Johnson, John Green, Lauren Myracle
- Le Livre De Poche Jeunesse
- 3 Février 2021
- 9782017134060
Une terrible tempête, un train bloqué dans la neige. Gracetown : tous les voyageurs descendent ! Gracetown, bourgade perdue au milieu de nulle part... Pourtant, Jeb, Jubilé et les autres vont y vivre le réveillon le plus insolite de leur vie. Dans un café bondé de pom-pom gils ou au détour d'une route enneigée, les rencontres inattendues se multiplient. Les couples se font, se défont et se refondent.
__________ 'Our hearts were broken in the same places. That's something like love, but maybe not quite the thing itself' Aza's life is filled with complications. Living with anxiety and OCD is enough but when Daisy, her Best and Most Fearless Friend, brings her on a mission to find a fugitive billionaire things are about to get even more complicated. To find Russell Pickett, Aza must enter the world of his geeky, but maybe kind-of-cute son, Davis. But the chances of a first kiss, and maybe even a first love, could send Aza into a spiral of anxiety... A perfect coming-of-age novel filled with love, mystery and Star Wars fan-fiction. 'John Green writes from the heart'- The Times __________ In his long-awaited return John Green, the acclaimed author of the Fault in Our Stars , shares Aza's story with shattering, unflinching clarity in this brilliant novel about mental health, love, resilience, and the power of lifelong friendship. 'A gripping story that cuts to the heart of friendship and first love' The Scotsman 'Acknowledging the difficulties of loving someone with a chronic mental illness is both ethically noble, and, with this novel, skilfully done.' Claire Hennessy, Irish Times 'The friendships in Green's novels are stirring and powerful.' The New York Times
When it comes to relationships, Colin Singleton's type is girls named Katherine. And when it comes to girls named Katherine, Colin is always getting dumped. On road trip miles from home, this anagram-happy, washed-up child prodigy has ten thousand dollars in his pocket, a bloodthirsty feral hog on his trail, and an overweight Judge Judy.
One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, Will Grayson crosses paths with... Will Grayson. Two guys with the same name, running in two very different circles, suddenly find their lives going in new and unexpected directions, and culminating in epic turns-of-heart and the most fabulous musical ever to grace the high-school stage.
Will Grayson se méfie des sentiments. Les histoires de coeur portent la poisse, tout le temps. Alors quand son meilleur ami, l'exubérant, très corpulent et très, très homo Tiny Cooper, fait tout pour le fourrer dans les bras de Jane, il se dit que cette fille est jolie, marrante et sympa mais... pas du tout son type.
De l'autre côté de Chicago, un certain Will Grayson (rien à voir avec le premier!) se sent plus mort que vivant : il vient d'apprendre que celui qui le faisait fantasmer sur sa messagerie n'a jamais existé...
*The film tie-in edition of John Green's witty yet heart-breaking tour de force. This edition of the multi-million #1 bestseller contains images from the major motion picture starring Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort. "I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, then all at once." Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten. Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning author John Green's most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love. Sunday Times (Culture) 'A touching, often fiercely funny novel' The Sun on Sunday (Fabulous Magazine) 'So good I think it should be compulsory reading for everyone!' Daily Express 'John Green brilliantly captures the voices of a young generation while instilling it with the wisdom of a life that has lived too much yet will never live enough. Rather than depressing, the book is filled with dark humour and is written with a beautiful simplicity that draws the reader in so deeply that it's not just the twist and turns but the gently bends and curves that you feel tugging at your emotions... No doubt in the end you will cry but you will also feel that you have discovered a little something about living' Daily Telegraph 'The novel, written for teenagers, but proving even more popular with adults' The Metro - 2013 Best Fiction The YA crossover hit of the year. The love affair of two terminally ill teenagers could be mawkish. In fact, it's funny, clever, irreverent and life-affirming. The Guardian 'A Smart Book' Grazia 'So good!' Good Housekeeping 'John Green may write for young adults, but his intelligent sensitive style means The Fault in Our Stars defies categorisation... as funny as it is heartbreaking... we defy you not to fall in love with its main characters, Hazel and Augustus.' The Tablet 'A humourous and poignant love story... It's terrifically funny... as well as a moving exploration of loss and grief. And no, it's so much not just for teenage cancer sufferers... it's for everyone.' Bliss 'If you need inspiration when it comes to making the most of a moment, this one is for you' Mizz 'Exploring the funny, thrilling and tragic business of being alive and in love, this is a life-affirming tale of two teenagers who are terminally ill. Insightful, bold, irreverent and raw, if this doesn't make you cry, it'll definitely make you think, laugh and maybe even fall in love yourself!' ** A thought-provoking love story from the New York Times bestselling author of Looking for Alaska , An Abundance of Katherines , Paper Towns and - with David Levithan - Will Grayson, Will Grayson . ** John Green has over 2.3 million Twitter followers, and more than 2.1 million subscribers to Vlogbrothers, the YouTube channel he created with his brother, Hank. ** The Fault in Our Stars will capture a crossover audience in the same vein as Zadie Smith, David Nicholls' One Day and Before I Die by Jenny Downham. ** 'Electric . . . Filled with staccato bursts of humor and tragedy' - Jodi Picoult ** 'A novel of life and death and the people caught in between, The Fault in Our Stars is John Green at his best. You laugh, you cry, and then you come back for more' - Markus Zusak, author of The Book Thief
Three wonderful holiday romances by three of America's bestselling authors, including John Green - author of the multi-million bestseller The Fault in Our Stars.
An ill-timed storm on Christmas Eve buries the residents of Gracetown under multiple feet of snow and causes quite a bit of chaos. One brave soul ventures out into the storm from her stranded train and sets off a chain of events that will change quite a few lives. Over the next three days one girl takes a risky shortcut with an adorable stranger, three friends set out to win a race to the Waffle House (and the hash brown spoils), and the fate of a teacup pig falls into the hands of a lovesick barista.
A trio of today's bestselling authors - John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle - brings all the magic of holidays to life in three hilarious and charming interconnected tales of love, romance, and kisses that will steal your breath away.
'A comedy as DELICIOUS as any whipped up by the Bard.' - Washington Post Book World John Green is a Printz Award-winning and #1 New York Times bestselling author. His books include The Fault in Our Stars, Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, and Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Visit John online at Maureen Johnson is the best-selling author of 13 Little Blue Envelopes, Devilish, Girl at Sea, The Name of the Star, and Suite Scarlett. Visit Maureen online at Lauren Myracle is the author of many books for teens and tweens, including Shine; Kissing Kate; Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks; and The Winnie Years series. Visit Lauren online at
Qui es-tu, Alaska ? la face cachée de Margo ; Will & Will
John Green
- Gallimard Jeunesse
- Scripto
- 6 Novembre 2014
- 9782070665242
Retrouvez le coffret des trois best-sellers de John Green : «Qui es-tu Alaska ?», «La face cachée de Margo» et «Will & Will», l'auteur de «Nos étoiles contraires».
John Green
- Ebury Press
- 21 Mars 2023
- 9781529109894
John Green is the author of Looking for Alaska; An Abundance of Katherines; Paper Towns; Will Grayson, Will Grayson (with David Levithan); The Fault in Our Stars, and Turtles All the Way Down. His books have received many accolades, including a Printz Medal, a Printz Honor, and an Edgar Award. John has twice been a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize and was selected by TIME magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. With his brother, Hank, John has co-created many online video projects, including Vlogbrothers and the educational channel Crash Course. He lives with his family in Indianapolis, Indiana.>
A striking black edition of the multi-million #1 bestseller, now a major motion picture starring Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort. "I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, then all at once." Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten. Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, The Fault in Our Stars is award-winning author John Green's most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love.
La societe fabienne, l'instauration d'un nouvel ordre international chez beatrice et sidney webb
John Green
- Saint-Remi
- 22 Septembre 2021
- 9782816203073
John Green
- Harper Collins Uk
- 27 Février 2025
- 9780008664800