Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Tertiary Education and Employment
- 29 Mai 2011
- 9789264097650
This book examines the transition of young adults with disabilities from school to tertiary education and work. It analyses the policy experiences of several OECD countries and identifies recent trends in access to education and employment as well as best transition policies and practices. Which factors foster or hinder the transition to tertiary education and work? What are the strengths and weaknesses of policies and support given to young adults with disabilities? What strategies exist in upper secondary schools and tertiary education institutions to smooth this transition and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
It shows that access to tertiary education for young adults with disabilities has improved significantly over the past decade. However, despite the progress that has been made, the transition to tertiary education is still harder for young adults with disabilities than it is for other young adults. Students with disabilities are also less likely than their non-disabled peers to successfully complete their studies, or to access employment.
The book also provides policy recommendations for governments and education institutions. These recommendations are designed to give young adults with disabilities the same success and transition opportunities that other young adults already enjoy and to improve hereby their right to education and to inclusion.
Quels sont les messages clés de l'OCDE en matière d'éducation ? Que préconise l'OCDE en ce qui concerne l'éducation des jeunes enfants, les politiques vis-à-vis des enseignants ou l'enseignement supérieur ? Que disent les analyses de l'OCDE à propos des résultats scolaires, de la rentabilité des investissements dans l'éducation ou encore de l'équité dans les différents pays ? Pour la première fois, les réponses à toutes ces questions et bien d'autres sont rassemblées dans un seul ouvrage qui met à jour la première édition de l'Éducation aujourd'hui, parue en mars 2009.
Ce rapport s'articule en huit chapitres : éducation des jeunes enfants, enseignement scolaire, transitions au-delà de la formation initiale, enseignement supérieur, formation des adultes, résultats et rentabilité, équité, et innovation. Chaque chapitre est lui-même organisé en fonction des principaux résultats et des orientations pour l'action publique qui ont émergé des récentes analyses de l'OCDE en matière d'éducation. Les chapitres sont courts et accessibles, ils mettent en lumière les messages essentiels de l'OCDE et indiquent clairement les sources dont ils sont extraits.
Cet ouvrage constitue une ressource indispensable pour tous ceux qui souhaitent avoir une vue d'ensemble du secteur de l'éducation à l'échelle internationale. Il intéressera tous ceux qui veulent en savoir plus sur les travaux de l'OCDE en matière d'éducation. -
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: School Evaluation in the Flemish Community of Belgium 2011
- 7 Décembre 2011
- 9789264116726
How can student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation and system evaluation bring about real gains in performance across a country's school system? The country reports in this series provide, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing the evaluation and assessment framework, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches. This series forms part of the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes.
Early childhood education and care (ECEC) can bring a wide range of benefits - for children, parents and society at large. However, these benefits are conditional on "quality". Expanding access to services without attention to quality will not deliver good outcomes for children or long-term productivity benefits for society.
This new publication focuses on quality issues: it aims to define quality and outlines five policy levers that can enhance it in ECEC. In addition, it provides busy policy makers with practical tools such as research briefs, international comparisons, country examples, self-reflection sheets, etc. in order to successfully implement these policy levers. -
Literacy for Life is the second report from the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey. It presents additional results on the nature and magnitude of the literacy gaps faced by OECD countries and how these gaps have evolved over the medium term.
It offers new insights into the factors that influence the formation of adult skills in various settings - at home and at work - for the eleven countries participating in the first and last round of data collection between 2003 and 2008. The study offers comparative evidence on the impact of various factors on the supply of skill. The study offers a special focus on numeracy skills and problem solving skills. It explores the relationships between numeracy and key socio-demographic factors as well as labour market outcomes and earnings.
It highlights the importance of problem solving skills by defining this foundational skill and by exploring its determinants as well as its relative role in influencing important labour market outcomes.
The report offers also an analysis of performance across multiple skill domains. It investigates the skill profiles of various population groups defined in terms of the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of those who score at levels deemed to be low in one or more skill domains and explores the resulting consequences.
The report concludes by investigating the issue of skill mismatch in the labour market and its relationship to adult learning. The extent and distribution of mismatch between the day-to-day literacy related requirements of workers and the literacy skills they have obtained is an important issue that is being explored in this study.
La littératie, un atout pour la vie est le deuxième rapport de l'Enquête sur la littératie et les compétences des adultes. Il présente des résultats supplémentaires sur la nature et l'ampleur des écarts en littératie qui existent dans les pays de l'OCDE et sur l'évolution à moyen terme de ces écarts.
Il jette un nouvel éclairage sur les facteurs qui influencent l'acquisition des compétences des adultes dans divers contextes - à la maison et au travail - dans les onze pays ayant participé au premier et au dernier cycles de collecte de données entre 2003 et 2008. L'étude présente des données comparatives quant à l'incidence de divers facteurs sur l'offre de compétences. Elle ménage une place de choix aux compétences en numératie et en résolution de problèmes, et explore les liens entre la numératie et les facteurs sociodémographiques clés ainsi que les résultats sur le marché du travail et les gains.
L'étude met en lumière l'importance de la résolution de problèmes en définissant cette compétence de base et en explorant ses facteurs déterminants ainsi que son influence relative sur les résultats importants sur le marché du travail.
Le rapport présente aussi une analyse du rendement dans plusieurs domaines de compétence. Il examine les profils de compétences de divers groupes de population définis en fonction des caractéristiques démographiques et socioéconomiques des personnes dont les résultats sont jugés faibles dans un ou plusieurs domaines de compétence et explore les conséquences qui en résultent.
Enfin, le rapport examine la disparité des compétences sur le marché du travail et son lien avec l'apprentissage des adultes. L'ampleur et la répartition de la disparité entre les exigences courantes en matière de littératie et les compétences en littératie des travailleurs constituent un enjeu important qui est abordé dans cette étude.
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Czech Republic 2012
- 30 Janvier 2012
- 9789264116788
This review provides analysis and policy advice to the Czech Republic on how the different assessment and evaluation procedures - student assessment, teacher appraisal, school evaluation and system evaluation - can be embedded within a consistent framework to bring about real gains in performance across the school system. The review focuses on primary and secondary education. The country review reports provide, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing the evaluation and assessment framework, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches.
OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: New Zealand 2011
- 22 Février 2012
- 9789264116917
This report on New Zealand provides, from an international perspective, an independent analysis of major issues facing the educational evaluation and assessment framework, current policy initiatives, and possible future approaches.
Literacy, Numeracy and Problem Solving in Technology-Rich Environments
- 15 Février 2012
- 9789264128859
A basic level of literacy and numeracy is essential for full participation in modern societies. While very few people in most of the advanced countries could be regarded as illiterate or innumerate, recent studies have shown that there are, in fact, significant numbers of people with poor skills, and that low levels of skills are associated with lower wages and greater chances of unemployment and disengagement from the labour market. At the same time, technological changes, particularly the increasing presence of information and communication technologies in all areas of life, have led to a growing demand for higher-level cognitive skills that involve understanding, interpreting, analysing and communicating complex information.
In this context, policy makers need the most comprehensive and up-to-date information if they want to ensure that the supply of skills in the labour force matches labour-market demand. The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), an international assessment of adult skills managed by the OECD, will be central in providing that information. Implemented by 25 countries in Europe, the Americas and Asia, PIAAC is compiling one of the richest sources of data regarding the skills that adults use in their work, home and communities, and related information, including family background, education, employment, income, civic participation and health. Results from the data, which are being collected from August 2011 to March 2012, will be available at the end of 2013.
This report maps the development of the Programme, from determining what should be measured, to defining the meaning of PIAAC's three core domains, "literacy", "numeracy" and "problem solving in technology-rich environments", to designing assessment tasks and determining how those tasks will be interpreted. It summarises the draft frameworks, developed by dedicated experts, for each of the assessment domains, and includes examples of the items and stimuli used to measure proficiency in the three domains. In essence, it provides an overview and a look at the underpinnings of PIAAC.
Across OECD countries, almost one in every five students does not reach a basic minimum level of skills. In addition, students from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds are twice as likely to be low performers. Lack of fairness and inclusion can lead to school failure and this means that one in every five young adults on average drop out before completing upper secondary education.
Reducing school failure pays off for both society and individuals. The highest performing education systems across OECD countries combine quality with equity. This report presents policy recommendations for education systems to help all children succeed in their schooling. -
L'analyse d'impact de la réglementation (AIR) est une démarche systémique d'évaluation critique des effets positifs et négatifs de la réglementation en projet ou en vigueur, ainsi que des substituts non réglementaires. Cette publication rassemble des travaux récents de l'OCDE portant sur les aspects méthodologiques et les expériences nationales résultant de la mise en oeuvre de l'AIR. Les différents chapitres de l'ouvrage traitent d'un certain nombre des défis auxquels se trouve confrontée l'efficacité de l'AIR, notamment les facteurs systémiques qui influent sur sa qualité, les cadres méthodologiques qui peuvent lui être utiles pour améliorer la réglementation ainsi que les orientations concernant son emploi qui permettent d'éviter de réglementer inutilement des marchés concurrentiels. Un examen de l'application de l'AIR en matière de gouvernement d'entreprise dans un certain nombre de pays de l'OCDE est également proposé. Au total, cette publication constitue une source d'indications pratiques particulièrement utiles sur les moyens de renforcer l'efficacité des méthodes d'AIR afin de promouvoir la prospérité économique grâce à une réglementation de meilleure qualité.