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Livres documentaires
Nocturnal : Animals after dark
Lucas Riera, Angel Svoboda
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 7 Septembre 2023
- 9783967047622
Most living things are active as long as the sun shines on the sky, but at dusk, when the light dims, life continues. The moonlight illuminates the Earth, plants come to life, animals awaken and some organisms glow like jewels in the dark. For these creatures, plants and natural phenomena, the night falls and another day begins.
Some species have to hunt to eat, and the different ways that animals hunt and fish for their food are absolutely fascinating! From animals that need to chase their prey, to others that deceive, pretend, poison, and even hypnotise their victims ... Welcome to an incredible world in which putting food on your plate is an art-whether it's eat, or be eaten!
Ask me about ...dinosaurs : 20 answers about the prehistoric world
Natae Rae, Anna Doherty
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 7 Novembre 2023
- 9783967047554
What did dinosaurs sound like? What did the dinosaurs eat? Were dinosaurs afraid of spiders? With 20 questions exploring the prehistoric world, you can learn everything you ever wanted to know about dinosaurs in this colorful, illustrated book.
The sound of letters
Julien Billaudeau, Jeanne Boyer
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 6 Octobre 2022
- 9783967047394
We all learn what the letters of the alphabet look like, but how do they sound? The letter A goes AAAAH! Like when I welcome a friend that I have been missing . . . The letter B goes B' B' B' B', like the bubbles in a bottle that I dip in the bath . . . The letter C goes K' K' K', like when I break the shell of a boiled egg . . . The Sound of Letters is an alphabet book unlike any other! This beautifully illustrated, colorful book of letters teaches the sound that the different letters make in a unique and fresh way.
Explore the ocean : Adventures under the sea with Emma and Louis
Anne Ameri-siemens, Anton Hallmann
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 24 Août 2023
- 9783967047509
Get ready to join Emma and Louis as they Explore the Oceans! Meet incredible creatures, discover the secrets of the deep and learn all about the amazing habitats, geography, ocean climates, the flora and fauna and even the people who live and work on the world's oceans.
Animals everywhere : Animal habitats around the world
Mia Cassany, Nathalie Ouederni
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 9 Avril 2024
- 9783967047745
A stunning book about the incredible biodiversity that can be found on planet earth, each spread detailing each habitat and the animals that live there.
Taking readers on a journey to the hot sands of the Sahara desert, the underwater kingdom of the Great Barrier Reef, and the tropical rainforests of the Amazon, all the way to the icy expanse of the Arctic and the beautiful landscape of the Grand Canyon, Animals Everywhere tells us all about some of the fascinating animals that live there and how they are all important to their ecosystem and the world around them. -
The who's who of grown-ups ; jobs, hobbies, and the tools it takes
Owen Davey
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 17 Novembre 2020
- 9783899551495
Comment s'appelle le vêtement d'un samouraï ? Que doit préparer une archéologue en vue de sa prochaine expédition ? Quels sont les passe-temps des grandes personnes et de quoi ont-elles besoin pour s'y adonner ?
Grâce à cet ouvrage illustré grand format, les jeunes lecteurs découvrent diverses professions et occupations et les principaux objets qui leur sont associés.
Des vêtements aux accessoires en passant par les outils :
Owen Davey utilise un graphisme très personnel pour décrire simplement un ensemble d'activités et de professions et les objets qu'elles utilisent.
Epic journeys : Incredible tales of amazing trails
Sam G.C., Raquel Martín
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 21 Mars 2024
- 9783967047660
Sam G.C. and Raquel Martin undertake their most ambitious and original work to date: the history of the routes that women and men have taken throughout the ages. Sam's telling of mankind's migrations around the world will have readers dreaming, while Raquel's entrancing illustrations inspire a journey of the imagination. The Silk Road, the Trans-Siberian railway, the Camino de Santiago, the Appian Way, the Cathar Way, and the Inca Trail are just a few examples of how humankind's great routes are much more than simple journeys.
A taste of the world ; what people eat and how they celebrate around the globe
Beth Walrond
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 28 Mai 2019
- 9783899558180
Festive feasts from around the world to bring people together, celebrate and share stories. Food glorious food! Everyone loves a feast with the family?... even the little ones! A Taste of the World travels across the globe uncovering different dishes, traditions, cultures and festivals from Egypt to Germany, from China to America. Learn about the origins of Thanksgiving in America, Bastille Day in France, Christmas in Germany, Hanami in Japan, Chinese New Year, and a good old roast dinner in the UK. Each chapter is punctuated with an atlas to help guide your journey, and each festive spread brims with facts about local and national dishes. Do you know, for example, why popular sweets in Egypt are made of sesame? Or why the baguette is long and thin? Featuring 20 countries that link geography and history with a delightful sense of world cultures and traditions. Food brings people together. A Taste of the World will give you an appetite to explore - not just through your belly.
In great numbers ; how numbers shape thea world we live in
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 25 Juin 2020
- 9783899558203
Avec In Great Numbers, les enfants tomberont amoureux du monde fascinant des chiffres. Imaginez un monde sans chiffres ! Comment demander trois boules de glace ? Ou savoir s´il nous reste 60 minutes ou 60 secondes pour jouer avec nos amis ? Pourquoi une minute compte-t-elle 60 secondes et pas 100 ? D´où vient le chiffre zéro et quel langage les ordinateurs comprennent-ils ? Sans la merveilleuse invention des chiffres et des nombres, comment pourrions-nous compter, mesurer et comparer ? Au l des siècles, les êtres humains ont conçu des façons de plus en plus astucieuses de les utiliser pour comprendre le monde qui nous entoure, construire des villes, trouver notre chemin et bien d´autres choses encore. In Great Numbers est un livre amusant qui aidera les enfants à réaliser combien les chiffres peuvent être fascinants et amusants.
Smart animals : clever creatures in the animal kingdom
Michael Holland, Daniela Olejníková
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 11 Juillet 2023
- 9783967047233
What makes an animal smart? What IS smart?
Our human brains have taken us all around the globe, and even into space... But we are not the only clever creatures on the planet. Some animals are so smart that we don't even know the extent of their intelligence. How do some animals play? How do they use tools? How do they solve problems? How do they communicate? How do their memories work? Do they feel emotions like we do?
Smart Animals features octopuses navigating mazes, rats outsmarting lab experiments, dolphins naming each other, orangutans solving riddles, elephants holding a grudge for decades, and many more. Get ready for the most marvelous and mind-blowing masterminds from our animal kingdom! -
Let's play outdoors! exploring nature for children
Catherine Ard
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 9 Juin 2020
- 9783899558432
Sortez de chez vous et promenez-vous dans la nature, que ce soit dans le jardin, au parc ou dans une forêt proche ! Regardez autour de vous et devenez architecte en construisant une maison avec des pierres, des branches ou des feuilles ; observez les arbres pour dénicher des insectes, pistez des animaux et apprenez à imiter leurs cris ou détendez-vous, allongé dans l'herbe, et distinguez des formes familières dans les nuages. Le monde extérieur est fascinant et n'attend que d'être conquis par les petits à l'esprit curieux.
Let's Play Outdoors! s'adresse à une nouvelle génération d'enfants sensibilisés à l'environnement et les incite à interagir de manière efficace avec la nature. Qu'ils les pratiquent seuls ou accompagnés d'un adulte, les activités proposées encouragent les enfants à en découvrir davantage sur les animaux, les plantes ou le climat tout en apprenant à protéger et à prendre soin de l'environnement.
Explore the rainforest : Emma and Louis in the jungle
Anne Ameri-siemens, Anton Hallmann
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 17 Mars 2022
- 9783967047196
Law of the jungle - Our beloved characters Emma and Louis go on a trip through the wildest nature of our planet: The rainforest. They visit their lush green world of wonders and discover the strangest and strongest plants and trees, together with the kindest and scariest animals. Besides the immense diversity in the jungle's flora and fauna, they learn about the habitat, geography, the climate, and the people living and working there.
Recordmania ; atlas of the incredible
Emmanuelle Figueras, Alexandre Verhille, Sarah Tavernier
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 8 Novembre 2018
- 9783899558142
The biggest, the strongest, the fastest, the loudest-Recordmania sets the bar for the best atlas of the world's incredible records.
From mind-boggling feats of human endurance to the unimaginable extremes of the natural world, these pages are filled with records that defy expectations and surprise the imagination.
Did you know for example that the fastest recorded skydive was so speedy it broke through the sound barrier? Or that the smallest park in the world was made for a colony of leprachauns?
Split into 6 categories and covering everything from sports, architecture, animals, humans, technology, dinosaurs, space, and nature, each category is packed with feats that will delight. Trace out locations across each atlas before delving into the detail behind each record.
Recordmania: Atlas of the Incredible is cleverly designed and thoughtfully illustrated, the perfect gift for the curious-minded. Recordmania vereint die beeindruckendsten Superlative dieser Welt in einem aufregenden und bunten Atlas.
Vom kleinsten Auto, das je gebaut wurde, über den heißesten Ort der Erde bis hin zum schnellsten Fallschirmspring und dem größten Menschen - Recordmania vereint die beeindruckendsten Superlative und die unglaublichsten Rekorde dieser Welt in einem aufregenden und bunten Atlas. Mit übersichtlichen und klar illustrierten Indoboxen begeistert diese wundersame Sammlung kleine und große Leser für die Extreme unserer Welt. Außergewöhnliche Informationen aus den verschiedensten Bereichen verblüffen und stellen alles auf den Kopf, was wir über unsere Welt zu wissen glaubten.
Hello, robot! day-to-day life with artificial intelligence !
Cosicosa, Ana Seixas
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 13 Octobre 2022
- 9783967047356
Everything you need to know about how machines think, artificial intelligence and the world of smart technology. Autonomous cars, Alexa, Siri, mobile phones, talking toys ... Intelligent machines are on the rise! But how much are humans and machines alike? Throughout this book we will discover how intelligent machines work, what impact they have on our lives and what ethical challenges they may pose to our society. Hello, Robot! gives a very wide and thorough view of how AI has been shaping our world and the colorful and playful illustrations give simple but exhaustive explanations on how AI machines were invented, their evolution throughout time and how they're designed and built.
How to be a spy
Daniel Nesquens, Mathias Sielfeld
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 6 Octobre 2022
- 9783967047370
Become the greatest spy the world has ever known! To be a spy you don't need to wear a trench coat, have an elegant mustache, practise magic tricks, or carry a special briefcase. All you have to do is be an ordinary person (with great instincts) and be will- ing to read this handbook from cover to cover! How To Be a Spy tells you everything you've ever wanted to know about spies, and teaches you everything you need to get going.
Top secret : The book of spies and agents
Soledad Romero, Julio antonio Blasco
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 12 Décembre 2023
- 9783967047592
From ancient Rome to Tudor England and up to the 20th century, the art of espionage has come a long way. But one thing has never changed-humans have always found surprisingly creative ways to gather top secret intelligence. This book presents eight of the most notorious spies in history, from Queen Elizabeth I's 16th-century spymaster to the Serbian-born agent who may have inspired the character of James Bond.
Precious planet ; a user's manual for curious earthlings
Emmanuelle Figueras, Sarah Tavernier, Alexandre Verhille
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 10 Septembre 2019
- 9783899558371
How amazing is the home we all share, planet Earth! It's home to millions and billions of animals and plants, but have you ever wondered how everything is connected' In Precious Planet, learn all about our home that was formed almost 4.6 billion years ago'the earth's crust, the continents we live on, and the oceans in between'and dive into the planet's fascinating geography.
Penguins and polar bears ; a pretty cool introduction to the Arctic and Antarctic
Alicia Klepeis, Grace Helmer
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 17 Novembre 2020
- 9783899558517
We all know that ice bears and penguins never meet (except in zoos), but what else do you know about the Arctic and the Antarctic (or polar) regions? Did you know that Antarctica is not just the coldest, but also the driest continent on Earth? Have you ever wondered how a polar bear stays warm in the Arctic? Sitting on the most extreme North and South Poles are two of our planet's most mysterious regions, but what similarities and differences do they share? Polar tales the incredible geography of both regions, how polar bears and penguins survive, and introduces the explorers who dared to travel into these unknown spots on Earth in the past. We go under their oceans and discuss the effects of climate change.
Legendary escapes
Soledad Romero Mariño, Julio antonio Blasco
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 18 Août 2022
- 9783967047301
We all love the Shawshank Redemption; the story of a man who successfully escaped from a prison. But as they say, life is stranger than fiction and there have been events which can even put the movies to shame. It's amazing to see what prisoners go through and the creative plans they come up with to escape. This amazing book reveals the secrets of some of the most epic and ingenious escapes in history. Discover the adventures of those who were not resigned to spend a life behind bars and pursued freedom with all their might.
Whatever the weather : learn about sun, wind and rain
Steve Parker, Caroline Attia, Jen Metcalf
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 23 Septembre 2021
- 9783967047110
Grown-ups are always talking about the weather? this book helps children understand the weather and why it changes from time to time. How is fog formed? What causes a rainbow? Why do thunder and lightning always come as a pair? Curious children can often ask questions that might even be difficult for adults to answer, but Whatever the Weather knows the facts. Bursting with colorful illustrations, examples, and anecdotes, this book explains complex processes in a snackable way. Following two friendly characters and their little dog from page to page, young readers can learn about how temperature forecasting works, how some animals have an innate ability to predict the weather and the effects of global warming. Come rain or shine, Whatever the Weather sees past the seasons and explains the world of weather in all its wonder.
Tales of the rails ; legendary train routes of the world
Nathaniel Adams
- Die Gestalten Editions
- 20 Octobre 2020
- 9783899558456
Jump on board a visual journey that will draw readers young and old into the magic of traveling by train, the sense of adventure and discovery as you look around at the world passing by.
Learn about the trains like the bullet train Shinkansen and the most ambitious, daring and important train routes ever constructed. From Australia to Wales, each route is unique. Find out why as we travel the globe and explore the stories of the people who built, designed and ride the railways. Discover how these routes came to be and the impact they have had on history and people's lives today.