À propos

What hink ye of Christ, whose son is he? Humane child of human parents, or divine Son of the Almighty God? When we consider his purity, his faith in the Father, his forgiving patience, his devoted work among the offscourings of society, his brotherly love to sinners and outcasts- when our minds dwell on these alone,-we all feel the marvellous fascination which has drawn millions to the feet of this son of man, and the needle of our faith begins to tremble towards the Christian pole. If we would keep unsullied the purity of our faith in God alone, we are obliged to turn our eyes some times-however unwillingly-towards the other side of the picture and to mark the human weaknesses which remind us that he is but one of our race. His harshness to his mother, his bitterness towards some of his opponents, the marked failure of one or two of his rare prophecies, the palpable limitation of his knowledge - little enough, indeed, when all are told,-are more than enough to show us that, however great as man, he is not the All-righteous, the All- seeing, the All-knowing, God.

Rayons : Religion & Esotérisme > Christianisme > Fait religieux / Pratiques > Expérience de la foi / Témoignages

  • Auteur(s)

    Annie Besant

  • Éditeur

    Shs Editions

  • Distributeur


  • Date de parution


  • EAN


  • Disponibilité


  • Nombre de pages

    250 Pages

  • Longueur

    21 cm

  • Largeur

    14.8 cm

  • Épaisseur

    1.7 cm

  • Poids

    368 g

  • Support principal

    Grand format

Infos supplémentaires : Broché  

Annie Besant

Annie Besant est une féministe, socialiste (une des leaders du Bloody Sunday) et oratrice anglaise qui a participé à la lutte pour l'indépendance de l'Inde. Directrice de la Société théosophique, elle est la mère adoptive de Krishnamurti et a consacré sa vie à divulguer la pensée théosophique.
